
Monday, January 9, 2017

Reset & Restore, Day 8

I'm starting week two of my 3-week January Reset & Restore! And I'm feeling pretty great — though, TMI, a little gassy from all the veggies and beans (more on that in a few). Here's a recap of Day 8!

I woke up at 5 a.m. for my 4-mile training run. It was still VERY cold outside, but I can handle shorter cold runs better than I can handle the long ones (like the one on Saturday). I ate a date roll, bundled up, and headed out. After my run, I had some Garden of Life Smooth Coffee protein powder mixed with almond milk and a bowl of this warm Coconut Flour Porridge. 

This is one of Lacy's Reset & Restore recipes, and it's loaded with mixed berries and flax. Oh, and it gave me a chance to use some of the giant bag of coconut flour that's been hanging out in my deep freezer. I never know what to do with it! I topped the bowl with a spoonful of Nuttzo Crunchy Peanut Pro nut butter (peanut, cashew, almond, Brazil nut, flax, sunflower seed butter!).

The porridge was remarkably filling! Oats or smoothies usually have me feeling hungry again an hour later. But coconut flour must have more staying power. I wasn't hungry for my morning snack until 11:15 or so. That's when I had Salted Edamame at my desk.

Lunch was leftover Kung Pao Tofu — tofu, kale, and peanut sauce over brown rice.

Back to that gassiness. For the past couple days, my digestion has been a little off. I think my body is, like, "What is with all these beans and veggies?" In my non-reset diet, I do eat a lot of veggies, but I think I'm eating a little more now. And sometimes beans twice a day. You know what they say about beans, right? The magical fruit. Well, I may have found a solution! I've gotten out of the habit of brewing my own kombucha (must get that going again!), so I stopped by Kroger on my lunch break today and picked up this Raspberry Lemon Kombucha by KeVita. I drank it all, and it certainly seems to help! Yay! Probiotics!

Dinner was a new Lacy recipe — Roasted Cauliflower & Chickpea Soup, which is loaded with roasted cauliflower, chickpeas, and garlic. I topped my bowl with leftover avocado and a little roasted cauliflower.

This creamy soup hit the spot on this cold, cold January night! I really loved the complex roasty flavor, and it's oh-so-garlicky. I'll admit that did have a glass of white wine with this dinner. I was planning to only drink wine on weekends during the reset, but we had a bottle of white open (Paul opened it Saturday night), and I didn't want it to go to waste. ;-)

Now that I'm all cozy and warm, I'm headed to bed. But I've got another cold run planned for Tuesday morning.


  1. I love Kevita kombucha!! The raspberry lemonade and also lavender melon are my favorite flavors!! That soup looks delicious!!

  2. I've never been a huge fan of kombucha but raspberry lemon sounds amazing! I'm going to have to track that down and give it a try! The soup looks really amazing. I'm sure it was nice and warming and comforting!

  3. The next time I head to the store, I'm getting some damn buch! I fall into a similar mindset: but I can just make it at home... yeah, but you're NOT right now, Katie! Get some BUCH! ;)

    Hope it continues to help with the gassiness!!


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