
Monday, January 16, 2017

Reset & Restore, Day 15

It's MLK Day! And it's day 15 of my 21-day Reset & Restore whole foods-based, intuitive eating program. My office was closed for the holiday, so I slept in until 8ish and then headed out for a lovely four-mile run in the warm nearly 70-degree weather. Aside from a handful of very cold, snowy days, this winter has been super-mild so far and just perfect for running!

After my run, I had another R&R recipe — Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Pudding! This was a chia-based pudding with Nutiva chocolate protein powder and peanut butter. Topped with salted peanuts and cacao nibs. Such a creamy morning treat!

Since I had the day off, I figured I ought to at least make good use of my time and tackle the long put-off task of painting my kitchen trash closet. I painted my kitchen about three years ago and fully intended to paint the closet (the one where the trash can goes) shortly after. But I procrastinated — FOR YEARS. So I finally did it today! The walls were really nasty, and now they look quite nice! While I painted, I snacked on some Mary's Gone Crackers Kale Crackers (they're gluten-free) with homemade Cashew Cheese. I am trying to mostly avoid processed food (except for protein powders and plant milks!) on this reset, but I've really missed crunchy snacks. And I've been too busy (lazy?) to make my own crackers, but as crackers go, these are pretty healthy!

I put off lunch until I'd finished my paint job, so it was after 2 p.m. by the time I heated up this plate of last night's leftovers — Hasselback Japanese Yam, Lentils, & Steamed Broccoli with Tahini & Nooch. 

That was such a hearty lunch that it held me over for hours and hours! I wasn't hungry for dinner until nearly 8. And that's when I had Lacy's Mexican Baked Oatmeal — a savory spin on oats with pinto beans, black olives, salsa, and Mexican spices. Topped with a little mashed homemade guac, salsa, lettuce, and tomato. 

Y'ALL!!! THIS WAS EVERYTHING! I've made savory oats on the stovetop for breakfast, but I'd never baked oats. Baking results in this creamy-on-the-inside, crispy-on-the-edges texture that I absolutely loved. And the flavors here were just incredible. This and the socca pizza from earlier in the week have been my favorite dinner recipes so far! I'd love to experiment with other savory baked oat recipes!

Well, that's it for tonight! Hard to believe next Monday I'll be done with the reset. I'm already planning out my first post-reset dinner! Even though I fully intend to retain the principles of this way of eating 80 percent of the time, I'm also planning to bring gluten (daily) and desserts (occasionally) back into my life.


  1. Your breakfast pudding looks amazing! Salted peanuts on top for the win! I've never had savory oatmea, or baked oatmeal. I don't know why, but my brain just doesn't compute with savory oats, but your dinner looks and sounds pretty delicious.

  2. That breakfast pudding looks perfect! That is definitely a great way to start the day. The baked savory oats sound so good. I've never thought to make savory baked oatmeal but now I'll have to try it!

  3. Crackers and cheese is the best snack. I could definitely get down with some home made cashew cheese right now.

  4. Mexican. Baked. Oatmeal. MIND BLOWN!


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