
Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Stuff I Ate: Breakfast Edition

For some reason, I have a ton of random breakfast photos, so here's what I've been eating in the morning for the past few weeks.

I'll start with my very favorite breakfast meal — the Breakfast Sandwich! This one has Follow Your Heart Vegan Egg and Smoked Gouda, Simple Truth Organic vegan sausage, and Just Mayo Light on a plain B Free gluten-free bagel. I've noticed that any time I eat gluten-free bread or pasta, I tend to add gluten back in somewhere else (like with this sausage).

I bought a ton of cereal on manager's special at Kroger a while back, and it's taking me forever to work my way through this box of Kashi Island Vanilla shredded wheat. Seen here with fresh raspberries, vanilla cashew milk, and more vegan sausage. I love cereal, but I'm always hungry again a couple hours later.

This morning, I had the most fabulous bowl of Kite Hill Vanilla Almond Yogurt with Blueberries and Larabar Cinnamon Nut Renola (granola with almonds, sunflower seeds, and raisins). On the side is Sweet Earth Benevolent Bacon (#nobaconmonth). The cinnamon granola and the vanilla yogurt were just made for each other. Definitely a combo I'll be eating again.

Another yogurt bowl — Kite Hill Strawberry Almond Yogurt with Raspberries and Lazy Susan's Cranberry Chocolate Chip Granola (from a Vegan Cuts snack box). Loved the chocolatey granola with this berry yogurt. Kite Hill really does make the best vegan yogurt. People complain about how sweet vegan yogurts are, but I say, the sweeter, the better. I want my yogurt bowl to taste like dessert.

Speaking of dessert for breakfast, I had this Chocolate Espresso Protein Pudding after my run yesterday morning. It's from this recipe on the Vega website. I used silk tofu for the base, and then I added Vega Sport Mocha protein powder, cocoa powder, maple syrup.

On my strength training/cross-training days, I have breakfasts without protein powder, like the cereal and yogurt and breakfast sandwiches. But on days that I run, I either have protein pudding, protein ice cream, protein smoothies, or protein waffles/pancakes. I've been loving this Strawberry Vanilla Protein Smoothie — half a frozen banana, cup of cashew milk, cup of frozen strawberries, scoop of Vega One French Vanilla protein powder, and CocoWhip Light.

It wouldn't be a breakfast round-up without FitQuick! Y'all know I love my protein waffles and pancakes made with FitQuick mix. It's so easy — just add plant milk! And each serving has 22 grams of protein. I've been all over the FitQuick Pizza Waffles lately. One morning, I mixed some kalamata olives and garlic-parsley olive oil into the batter, and then I cut the waffle into dippin' sticks. That's Follow Your Heart vegan grated parm on top of my marinara.

On Labor Day, I had some leftover Tofurky Spinach Pesto sausages from camping. So I cut one up and made a real pizza using a FitQuick pizza waffle. Because the FitQuick and Tofurky are both high in protein, this meal had 55 grams of protein! And people wonder where vegans get their protein. Ha!


  1. I so agree with you on the cereal. It never keeps me full! That pizza waffle looks AMAZING!!

  2. When you make the FitQuick mix, do you add oil? If so, what type? Wondering what would give a neutral flavor.

  3. Wah I love breakfast! All of this is making me so hungry! I will have to try the Sweet Earth Benevolent Bacon. I love their veggie burgers and I heard the bacon was great.

  4. Trixie, I don't typically add oil. Just mix and plant milk. I do spray the wafflemaker with canola oil though to keep it from sticking. I only added the garlic oil to that one pizza waffle for flavor and some fun added fat.

  5. 55 grams of protein in a meal! Damn!!

  6. Breakfast is the best. It's hard to believe that for the first half of my life, I wasn't really into it. But vegan breakfasts are so good! Like you, I'm all about the breakfast sandwich.


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