
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ready to Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde started today! This three-week astrological period has a bad reputation for causing communication breakdowns, travel delays, technology issues, and it's said to be a bad time to enter into new contracts or legal matters.

But that doesn't mean we should fear the retrograde! It's actually a great time for wrapping up old projects, reconsidering old plans, and touching base with people you haven't heard from in awhile. I'm going into this retrograde with a super-posi attitude thanks to my Ready to Retrograde Box from Goddess Provisions. As you may know from my past posts, I subscribe to the monthly Goddess Provisions box of crystals, teas, candles, jewelry, oils, and more. I've already blogged about my August box, but this month, they also released a special edition Ready to Retrograde box. Of course I ordered that too!

This box came with an In Light & Love soy candle with chalk for writing your intention on the side of the candle. It has a root chakra design and Ganesha (the overcomer of obstacles) on the lid. Connecting with the root chakra, which is associated with survival, is perfect for getting through the retrograde. Speaking of root chakras, the box also came with Essential Oil Wizardry root chakra oil — a blend of cedar, davana, myrrh, spikenard, and vertiver essential oils. It has a great woodsy scent. I wore it today and smelled like the weird hippie I am.

The box came with this super-cute Ready to Retrograde pin. I wore it today (on my space cat dress!), along with the Always in Retrograde pin that came in the Goddess Provisions August box.

There's a California white sage stick and a palo santo stick for smudging and cleansing. I kicked off retrograde this morning by burning both around the house.

There were two crystals in the box. This Fusion Aura Quartz Point is just gorgeous! I'm a bit obsessed with aura quartz right now, and I'm glad to add this to my collection. This has the same properties as clear quartz (amplifying, healing) since the rainbow effect is man-made by fusing a blend of metals to the quartz's surface.

My very favorite item in the box is this Orgonite heart by Hood X Hippie. It contains a mix of quartz, amethyst, flourite, amazonite, black tourmaline, hematite, iron, and copper coil. It's supposed to protect me from negative energy, and the blend of crystals, iron, and copper is ideal for safeguarding electronics during retrograde, when tech breakdowns are common. Also, it's sparkly and adorable.

Happy Retrograde, y'all! It ends September 22nd. Let's make the best of it. By the way, the retrograde boxes are still on sale at the Goddess Provisions website.

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