
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Protein Donuts!!!!!!!

Anyone who reads this blog probably already knows I'm obsessed with FitQuick Protein Waffles. I got into them when I was binge-listening to every episode of the Rise & Resist podcast — a vegan fitness & feminism podcast by Lacy Davis and Holly Noll.

Holly also runs a vegan body-posi gym in Oakland and owns her own vegan protein waffle company called FitQuick. After listening to her talk about waffles one day, I knew I just had to try them. I ordered a couple bags — birthday cake and pizza waffles — to get started. I've since added java chip FitQuick waffles to my collection. And now, Holly has released FitQuick Protein Donuts! Or, as Holly likes to call them "pronuts"!

Like the waffles, each two-scoop serving contains 22 grams of plant-based protein, and they're gluten-free, low-carb, and low-fat. Nothing against carbs and fat, by the way, but I'd rather reserve my fat grams for my donut toppings! Plus, it's best to have higher fat later in the day and not right after your workout. Anyway, the first protein donut flavor — Vanilla Sprinkle —launched this month, and my order arrived last week (with a free donut pan because I pre-ordered!). I love that the label has the same awesome muscle unicorn logo that the birthday cake waffle package has!

I first tried the donuts after my 12-mile run on Saturday. The package suggests topping them with vanilla almond butter, salted peanut butter, or powdered peanut butter mixed with soymilk. So I used Maple Brown Sugar PB Lean powdered peanut butter on two of them. For the third, I used Endangered Species Cocoa Spread. Of course that was the best one!

I made more protein donuts after my 5-mile run this morning. Here they are undressed (as I waited for them to cool) next to a bowl of banana matcha soft serve. Yes, I had donuts and ice cream for breakfast this morning!

Once they cooled, I topped a couple with a yummy frosting made from Kite Hill almond cream cheese mixed with a bit of powdered sugar. So good! It reminded me of a carrot cake frosting. On the third, I used Hazelnut Cocoa Spread by Endangered Species Chocolate. YUM!

Pronuts for the win!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Kind of obsessed with the concept of pronuts now. And those star sprinkles!


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