
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Stuff I Ate

It's time for another random roundup! Here are a few things I've been eating lately.

A couple weeks ago, I had to pick up my cat Akasha's medicine at the pharmacy way out east by the Whole Foods, and the pharmacy closed at 5:30. So I left work a little early, got the meds, and then stopped by Whole Foods to get some groceries. And since it was dinner time, I grabbed some treats from the hot bar — eggplant sambar over quinoa, baked curry tofu, roasted tomatoes, kale chips, chickpea salad, potato & kale salad, and loaded side salad. Of course, this plate cost me $12. I always accidentally spend too much on hot bar plates.

For Valentine's Day, my dad ordered me a box of Larsen's Bakery Chocolate Doughnuts from Vegan Essentials. You store them in the freezer and reheat in the oven (or microwave when you need one in a hurry). I had one last week. Mmmmm.

I picked up some Field Roast Wild Mushroom Deli Slices at Whole Foods in Nashville a couple weeks ago since our Memphis Whole Foods doesn't carry them. Made myself a sandwich with deli slices, Follow Your Heart Smoked Gouda, guacamole, sprouts, lettuce, and tomato. I had a salad on the side.

I was craving veggies at our weekly Imagine Vegan Cafe brunch last week. That, like, never happens. I'm usually craving plant meat or gravy or something. But anyway, I followed my gut and got the Fried Vegan Chicken Salad with ranch. It's a bit of a compromise. Veggies and fake meat!

Our Memphis Vegan Meet-up group met up at Abyssinia last Saturday. It's a great Ethiopian restaurant, and I typically go there during buffet hours. But this was a night meet-up, so I ordered the Veggie Platter off the menu. Same stuff as what's on the buffet, but you get a massive amount of food. I took half of this home. I love Ethiopian food more than just about anything in the world. By the way, you can't see it in this picture, but there was a big ole basket of injera on the side.

This morning, I'd intended on running and having a protein smoothie for breakfast. But I accidentally turned my alarm off instead of hitting snooze. Oops! I woke up at 7 a.m., which was much too late for a run. So I skipped the smoothie and made a breakfast of Follow Your Heart Vegan Egg with Smoked Gouda on Toast. And there's a side of Coconut Dream Raspberry Yogurt (with added raspberries).

We had a grill-out party on the dock at work today. Our office does that from time to time. We close up around 2 p.m. on party days. They get us a keg, grill some burgers, and a few of us bring sides. And then we just hang out and drink beer at work. A few folks play cornhole or go down to the park by the river and play volleyball. My job is pretty awesome. This time, Joe (the IT guy and grillmaster) grabbed the Boca Chick'n Patties, which was perfect because I like them better than the burgers. Susan made a vegan pasta salad, and I made a kale salad (but you can't see it in this picture because it's behind my burger). Susan also brought an awesome vegan lemon cake!


  1. I didn't know FYH made smoked Gouda! That was one of my favorite cheeses in my pregan days. Everything on this post is making me drool!

  2. I've been grooving on the new smoked gouda too. I gotta say, that sandwich looks just perfect right now! How rad that your work gets vegan options for you at office parties. I love that!

  3. We don't have the FHI gouda cheese yet. How is it?

    Your breakfast with the vegan egg and yogurt must have been spectacular. I admire you for waking up extra early to run.

  4. You just reminded me that I have some Field Roast Mushrooms slices in the back of my freezer from last year! I must dig them out.

  5. Wow that sounds nice of your work to do! And were thoughtful enough to bring some vegan options for you too!


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