
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Vegan Mofo: Car Snacks

Today, we're supposed to blog about our favorite car snacks for Vegan Mofo. I'm sort of cheating a little with this post because I've already blogged about my fave road trip food in this post about my trip to Bonnaroo this summer.

But in case you missed it, my fave car snacks are Go Picnic meals!

They only make a couple of vegan meals, but they're delicious and easy to eat in a car. And they're basically a full meal! I get these at Target, and they also have a store brand of similar meals under their Simply Balanced line. A couple of those are vegan too. This Sunbutter & Crackers meal has multi-grain crackers, sunflower butter, applesauce, a fruit strip, and two vegan chocolate chip cookies!

The other vegan one — Black Bean Dip & Plantain Chips — is my fave.

It has plantain chips, black bean dip, a gingery fruit & nut mix, edamame, and a fruit strip. I actually ate this at the Bonnaroo campsite this summer, but it's perfect for the car too.

Other fave car snacks — PB & jelly sandwiches, popcorn, carrots & hummus, and any kind of chip! Oh, and bars! Lots of bars!


  1. I so much want to see those products in Montreal!

  2. I would love to try these - I'll have to look in my Target! What section are they kept in?

  3. Hi Rachel! I can't remember what aisle exactly. I stumbled upon them last time, and I can't remember what else was around. But do try them!! They're so convenient!

  4. I'm definitely going to see if I can find them - they look like they'd make a great lunch on the go! If I find them, I will report back on where they are in the store!

  5. I need to get my hands on ALL of those!
    It was so great getting to know you this MoFo! I would LOVE to keep a bunch of us in touch year round! Check out this specific post on my blog

  6. I actually first had a go picnic box while stuck in the airport for an extra long layover-they're pretty good! I liked that stuff was separated, i kept my cookies aside and had them later
    Lately i'm hooked on the clif builder bar vanilla almond flavor- they're really delicious and perfect for traveling when/if a vegan meal is hard to come by (or a plate of leaves!)


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