
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Yuve Protein Powder Review

I don't know when it happened, but somewhere along the way, I went from always feeling like a newbie runner to feeling like a real runner. It's all about confidence and doing crazy stuff that only runners do, like getting up at 4:30 a.m. to run in 10-degree weather or, as was the case this morning, getting outside and running on icy sidewalks covered with only a light dusting of snow for grip.

It was dumb, I'll admit. I have a half-marathon in two weeks, and I can't really risk breaking or spraining anything. But yet, the runner in me HAD to do it. Had to see if I could do it. And guess what? I did. No falls. Easy run at a slower-than-normal pace. Took walk breaks over the super icy patches.

Anyway, another thing that makes me feel like a real runner is my adherence to running nutrition. After reading Brenden Brazier's book Thrive a couple years ago, I'm a firm believer in the power of the protein powder consumed about 30 to 40 minutes post-run. High-protein smoothies help rebuild muscle so you recover faster. And that means less soreness after a run. I typically drink Vega powder in my smoothies, but I'm always open to trying new powders.

I was sent samples of a new powder by Yuve to review, and it's a real winner! The flavor is Chia Seeds & Cocoa.

This powder is packed with vegan protein (rice and pea) at 21 grams. Plus, there are eight grams of fiber, an omega blend, maca, chia, probiotics, vitamins and minerals from real food (like goji berries and prunes), and greens. It's non-GMO and gluten-free.

But how does it taste? I whipped up this Blueberry Cocoa Smoothie, and it was fantastic!

Just the right thickness for a smoothie, likely from the chia seeds (Of course, like most powders, the package just recommends mixing with water, juice, or milk. But I think powders belong in smoothies). The maca flavor is very prevalent because when there's maca in something, you'll know! But I LOVE that flavor. It complements the cocoa nicely. Here's my recipe.

Yuve Blueberry Cocoa Smoothie
1 cup cashew milk
1/2 cup coconut water
1 frozen banana
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 package or scoop of Yuve Raw Chia Seeds & Cocoa

Put everything in a high-speed blender (or any blender will do), and blend until creamy and combined.

1 comment:

  1. [ Smiles ] Chia seeds are indeed rich in protein.

    I wouldn't mind trying out that protein powder.


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