
Monday, December 8, 2014

Crunk for the Holidays: Tofu Scramble Giveaway!

I'm back with my weekly holiday pimpin' of my cookbook, Cookin' Crunk: Eatin' Vegan in the Dirty South. Buy it for yourself if you don't already own it! Or buy it as a holiday gift for that fried tofu-lovin', waffle sandwich-eatin', green tomato-cravin' person in your life. Here's the link to buy a copy on Amazon. It's filled with 150-ish recipes of comfort food dishes I grew up eatin' in the dirty-dirty.

Since I launched this weekly blog series before Thanksgiving, I've already given away a copy of my cookbook (Hey Amber, your copy is in the mail!). I've posted my beloved coconut icebox cake recipe, and I've shared an ideal holiday meal created from Cookin' Crunk recipes.

But tonight, I want to give away something totally weird! I'm giving away tofu scramble! Okay, okay, I'm not actually going to send bean curd through the mail. That might get nasty. Instead, I'll send one lucky winner a jar of my tofu scramble seasoning. It's the same seasoning I used to make this delicious scramble.

My recipe is for Tofu Scramble is in Cookin' Crunk, of course. And it's posted right here on my blog, so if you don't win, you can still get scrambled this holiday season. But if you win, I'll do all the measuring for ya. And the jar holds enough mix to make multiple scrambles. Plus, I'll make it all cute and gifty.

All you have to do to win is leave a comment here about your favorite scramble add-ins. Do you like it plain? Do you prefer greens? Other veggies? Vegan breakfast meats? Chocolate chips? Jk! That's gross.

Also, please LEAVE YOUR EMAIL address in your comment so I can contact if you win. I'll pick one winner next Monday night.


  1. What a fun idea for a giveaway! I love the versatility of scrambles and the "anything goes" quality. I popped over to your ingredients, and you use different seasonings than my standard go-to's. I'll have to try yours sometime, whether I win or not! I always add onions, garlic, kale, and bell peppers to my scrambles along with cumin, coriander, paprika, and chili powder. And of course, black salt is always welcome!

  2. I use a combo of turmeric, cumin, chili powder, yellow mustard, tamari, mustard seeds and any veggies I have on hand. Would love to try your spice mix!

  3. I've never made my own but when I've ordered it out I've gotten spinach and onions and it was so good! My email is joy . Clark @ gmail . Com

  4. That looks absolutely delicious! You really can do anything with tofu, right?

  5. I've still never made or tried tofu scramble... I'm the worst vegan ever! I may have to start out with your tried and true version :)

  6. I love to add, kale, mushrooms and tomatoes!thanks for the chance to win!!!

  7. I love mine with some greens - kale or spinach, and plenty of nooch! It's amazing what you can do with tofu.

  8. I love to add potatoes to my tofu scramble.

  9. Red Peppers, red onion, Kale, lots of yeast flakes!

  10. My secret ingredient for scrambles is a little bit of miso and a little bit of black salt. OF course lots of kale and mushrooms. So good!

  11. I love fresh green, red, and yellow peppers in my tofu scramble! I also love my scramble with a side of grits and toast. yummers :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Awesome and fun giveaway! I love Tofurkey Italian Sausages sliced and browned in my scramble. Dang, that sounds good. I need to go make some scramble now...

  14. I like it w/ Daiya and a little salsa.

  15. a little salsa

  16. Oooh gluten free?

    Broccoli. Teeny tiny bits.

  17. Scramble is not scramble without green peppers. All other add-ins are optional. :)

  18. I like mushrooms, red pepper, sage and turmeric.

  19. Diced peppers, mushrooms, kale or spinach and chipotle tabasco sauce afterwards.

  20. Is it weird that I sometimes add Bush's vegetarian baked beans into mine with some sauteed onions? Should I be revealing this? Do I need to change my name now and relocate due to food-combining embarrassment?

    The email:

  21. Always peppers and onions in mine, just started putting shredded carrot or sweet potato, and if I have it, arugula. And I must have hot sauce, preferably Cholula.

  22. CONGRATS! That's great. I ran my first half marathon over 4 years ago. I'm running my 4th marathon in April. Kudos to you again for finishing! You rock.

  23. Awesome! I'm really so excited to receive the cookbook. When I told my fiance about it he seemed pretty excited, too. He actually just decided to go vegetarian a few days ago, so things have been really great in our house lately! =)

  24. I like kale or spinach, bell pepper, garlic, onion, tomato, and any other veggies I have around that need to be used up. For spices I normally use turmeric, cumin, black pepper, and black salt.
    dumbsnowflake at yahoo dot com

  25. Spinach, Mushroom and potatoes are my favorite add ins!

  26. Oooh, there's so many good ideas here---I can't wait to try mustard. Mine are usually pretty standard-- spinach, bell peppers, and onions, and some sort of tomato or salsa. Classic but delish.

  27. i like adding a can of rotel or like a 1/2 cup of salsa!


  28. Whatever is in the fridge. Once you introduced me to black salt, the combos are endless!

  29. Peppers, onions, mushrooms and vegan cheese plus extra nooch

  30. vegan cheese, mushrooms, spinach... not too exciting, but when I like to be scandalous I also add ketchup or sriracha (just to gross out some of my roommates who think my liberal use of ketchup is disgusting). hahaha



I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.