
Monday, January 20, 2014

Crazy Sexy, Day 15

Guess what? I've lost five pounds on the Crazy Sexy Diet cleanse! I'm on day 15, and when I weighed myself this morning, I was back to my ideal weight. Over the past five months, I've only been able to do limited light exercise (yoga, core work, etc.) because of my broken foot. And after the holidays, that lack of running and cycling really caught up with me. I'd packed on five extra pounds, and my skinny jeans were, well, too skinny. I was seriously having to unbutton my jeans after meals just so I could breathe!

But now my pants fit again! And I feel great. I have loads of energy throughout the day, and I'm sleeping great at night. This morning, I got to sleep in because our office was closed for MLK Day. I did some ab work and weights and had this Sicilian Juice from Crazy Sexy Kitchen (tomato, carrot, red bell pepper, red jalapeno, spinach, and garlic).

This is definitely my favorite juice so far. Love the garlic and hot pepper in this! But I was burping garlic all day. I just warned people to keep their distance, which is fine since I have personal space issues anyway.

My morning snack was something new too — One Degree Veganic Sprouted Ancient Maize Flakes with Unsweetened Coconut-Almond Milk.

The Crazy Sexy Diet book recommends sticking with a sprouted cereal if you're having cereal on the cleanse, and I was planning to pick up the Food for Life brand. But that contains gluten. And although I am allowing gluten-containing sprouted grain on my cleanse, I just had to try these new gluten-free maize flakes. They were so good! Light, crispy, and only a tad sweet from the low-glycemic coconut palm sugar.

After lunch (another Nada Curried Tofu Egg Salad Wrap and leftover Raw Harvest Soup, pictured below), my friend Autumn and I drove the hour to Jonesboro, where we had to attend a memorial for our friend Amie Doles, who died in a car accident last Friday. Amie was a bundle of light and hugs, and she'll be missed. :-(

On the way home, we snacked on Brown Rice Cakes with Hummus. And when I got back to Memphis, I warmed up some more leftovers of Chickpea with Root Veggie Tagine and Quinoa.

Well, that's it for today. Only six more days to go!


  1. Dear friends, Brahmakumaris are vegetarian... and emphasize the importance of keeping thoughts pure... when preparing food... they either enhance or

    decrease the vibes of what we eat...thus affecting our health... vegetarian lifestyle is also more conducive to achieving total peace of mind.
    There is Brahmakumaris meditation...that relaxes the mind...nurtures a healthy balance between inner and outer worlds...recharge... rejuvenate the inner-self...

  2. So sorry to hear about your friend. Good for you for staying healthy in trying times.

    Congrats on the weight loss and getting back to your skinny jeans! I definitely know how you feel with the injury and packing on the holiday pounds! I lost all my post surgery weight and am feeling good too. Yay for veggies!!!

  3. Firstly, congrats on getting back down to weight! Second, I've been on vacation for 3 weeks (I know, "poor me") so I'm trying to catch up on my Feedly backlog, and didn't realize you had broken your foot! As coincidence would have it, I fell down the stairs yesterday and fractured my foot, so I totally feel your pain!

  4. Ugh I am so inspired by you but feel so defeated by my own actions. Am doing the second day of the cleanse and was just having such deep sugar cravings I made chickpea almond peanut butter cookies with a few dark chocolate chips and ate the whole batch, like 6 tbsp of nut butter and 1/4 cup of maple syrup plus I drizzled extra on. Bought Kris Carr's book on kindle but am not sure of the exact perimeters. Is maple syrup okay? I think I should nix the dark chocolate to get these sugar cravings in control but then again I have done other cleanses for 6 weeks and then gone off the deep upset and frustrated, I can't get a handle on this and want to so badly!!!

    So sorry for your loss:(.

  5. Hey Kathleen! Hang in there. And don't be super hard on yourself when you slip up. It happens. You can always pick back up and keep on going.:-)

    Maple syrup is okay, I think. The main thing with sweeteners if that they should be used in moderation and should be as low-glycemic as possible. I've used a small bit of maple on my cleanse.

    The hardest thing for me is gluten and alcohol. And I've had a couple slip-ups. But it's okay! You're doing great! Keep it up!

  6. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement! My issue is nighttime snacking, mostly sweets. I combated this a few years ago by eating a large bowl of fruit at night and then eventually weaning off that. I also only had a smoothie in the am and then didn't even my next meal until 3:30 which probably made me ravenous. I made a yummy wrap though that is challenge approved based off a wrap I had the other day, you might like it. I just mixed equal amounts ketchup and vegan mayo, added a few drops of stevia and some pickle relish. Slathered this on an engine 2 brown rice wrap (fell apart but ate with a fork and knife), added tempeh, sauerkraut, spinach and browned both sides by putting a cast iron and other things on top to press it. Super yummy!

    Thanks again, hope to do better today!


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