
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mama Crunk Turns 59!

My mama's birthday was actually Saturday, but nearly every year, it falls on Memphis In May Beale Street Music Festival weekend. So I was down in the mud when she was officially turning 59. And I'll be in New Orleans this weekend on Mother's Day. Bad daughter, I know!

But we did a combo birthday/Mother's Day dinner tonight. After work, I drove to my hometown of Jonesboro, Arkansas (about an hour away) to meet my mama for dinner at Kandela Mexican Grill. Jonesboro has several Tex-Mex style eateries, but this one has hands-down the best vegetarian fajitas.

But first we chowed down on the free chips and salsa. This is definitely my favorite part of any Tex-Mex dining experience:

My mama ordered a frozen margarita, and I had a Dos Equis Amber. Can you believe this woman is 59?!

We both ordered fajitas. Hers had meat, and mine were the veggie ones. These had broccoli, red peppers, onions, and mushrooms (they're supposed to come with carrots and cauliflower too, but I guess they were out ... nevertheless, these were delicious). They came with super-soft homemade flour tortillas.

After dinner, we went back home for present opening time and cupcakes! I made the Coconut Lime Cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World:

These were the perfect end to our Tex-Mex feast. The cakes are flecked with coconut and lime zest, plus there's coconut milk and coconut oil inside. And the buttercream is flavored with lime juice and zest. Then the frosting is topped with more coconut!


  1. Yay! Happy birthday to your mama! Lime coconut cupcakes are up there with my favourites, so summery and delicious!

  2. Happy Birthday to mama Crunk! And she really looks good for 59, looking at her picture I really wouldn't think that she's 59.

    Very happy for you two and that she had a nice birthday. That cupcake also looks very delicious!

  3. Wow, are they serving alcohol in Jonesboro now?

  4. When I am 59 I want to look like her!!!

  5. OMG. You're mom is just as pretty as you are. No wonder you're such a babe. Happy birthday to her!

  6. Awww happy birthday to your mama!! She's beautiful! Definitely can't believe she's 59! Looks like a fun time :)

  7. Thanks guys! Natalie, they are! Jonesboro has loosened up on their liquor licensing, so a few restaurants now serve booze! The town has changed a lot in the past several years.


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