
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day Giveaway!!

Wow! I've been gettin' a lot of love on the internetz this Valentine's Day! Annie and Dan Shannon featured me (and my omni bf Paul) in their Vegans On Valentine's round-up, and Amber of Generation Cake interviewed me for her "Wild Women" series (cause I'm TOTALLY wild and cray!).

Now I want to give y'all some love. You see, yesterday I received the BESTEST package in the mail! It was the prize pack that I won from the Thrive Forward website during my January cleanse. Each day of the cleanse, I shared Thrive videos on Twitter for a chance to win. And I won!! I got lots of awesome stuff, but there was one item that I already have! So at the end of this post, I'll be giving it away to one lucky reader.

But first, check out this haul! They sent me four giant tubs of Vega!! I was most excited about this. I became a little addicted to Vega smoothies during the cleanse, but the stuff is a little out of my price range. These containers should last me about 7 months if I did my math right (I drink 3 Vega smoothies each week):

I also received a 24-pack of CoCos Pure coconut water, another addiction I took away from my cleanse:

And that's not all! Check out this sweet Full Circle Kitchen Composter! I've never had a composter, but I've always wanted one. I can't wait to start throwing veggie scraps and coffee grounds and cat hair in this!

And I also received a Full Circle glass lemon water bottle (it has a juicer on top for squeezing your lemon in!!), a Zon resistance band, a Thrive Fitness workout DVD (with workouts led by Brendan!), and a copy of Thrive (the book):

But I already have Thrive (the book). That's how I got inspired to do the January cleanse. So I'll mail that copy to one lucky reader. Just leave me a comment about your favorite way to workout. I'll randomly select a winner on Sunday evening. Please include an email address if there's no other way to contact you included in your comment (like if your commenting profile doesn't link back to a page with an email or a blog).

Happy Valentine's Day! Now, Paul and I are off to the "Must Love Cats" Internet Cat Video Festival at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art, followed by a weekend V-Day dinner at Ciao Bella.


  1. I live for long distance running! Been doing it for 12 yrs. now. I average about 50-65 miles per week.

  2. Congrats on your win! :D
    My favorite way of working out is by playing volley ball. I've been playing since 11th grade! It gets me pumped and I feel so relaxed and in peace when I finish. :)

  3. Every night, right before I go to bed, I go for a run. Sometimes its pretty far, sometimes its just around the block... it just depends on how I'm feeling! I'm all about running for stress relief and getting out all of my extra energy before I hit the hay.

    Happy Valentine's Day1 :)

  4. Biking everywhere. You get to your destination and exercise without the thought of "I need to workout"

  5. Congrats on the win, that's awesome! I try and make sure I get a lot of exercise and I enjoy it in a variety of ways. One of my absolute favorites is Hooping, I do it for about 45-60 minutes per day. It's a workout and relaxing at the same time, just turn on some awesome tunes, and let the hoop spin. After that I'd say swimming and biking are pretty much tied.

  6. A combo of stairs, running and walking. I like to mix it up! :)
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. Congrat on your win !!!

    My favorite way of working out is by taking a long walk, stair climbing and snowshoeing.

    Happy Valentine's Day :)

  8. favorite way to work out is definitely strength training. i feel like a total badass and I don't get nearly as sweaty gross as when i do hard core cardio!

  9. Running and bikram - if I'm not pouring sweat, it doesn't count for me. :)

  10. I do yoga, spinning and running... but running is by far my favorite!!!

  11. Walking/running with my rescued greyhound.

  12. Happy Valentine's Day! I love running. Not only does it provide me with a good dose of endorphins, but it is a great time to think and appreciate my surroundings. Thankfully, Phoenix is warm enough to run outside in the winter! :)

  13. What an awesome haul! Lucky you! My favorite way to work out is on the elliptical trainer. I know it's not as cool as a lot of other exercise methods, but I think it's really fun. Plus, it means I can workout and watch Home Hunters International, read fitness magazines, and listen to my favorite music. What's not to like?

  14. *I meant House Hunters International...

  15. Working out is my life! I love weight training, running, cycling, swimming and yoga. I have a hard time sitting still.

  16. My Favorite way to work out Indoor Climbing and lots of crazy Zumba:) ...Helps me get a strengthen my core and have a fun time doing it

  17. Treadmill... so long as I can listen to podcasts or watch TV.

  18. Hiking, with my dog by my side and some bear spray at reach on my backpack strap in beautiful Montana is my favorite way to work out. When the ground gets covered with snow, it changes over to cross-country skiing, also with my dog Dodger on the trails with me and some pilates and yoga classes mixed in throughout the week! Congrats on your win and thanks for sharing the Thrive love!!!

  19. Wow, what a haul! That lemon water bottle is particularly fun :) I'd love to win a copy of thrive, I've been watching the thrive forward vids and love Brendan Brazier. I've started running, love walking with my dog, ballroom dancing and recently have been loving "planking"! There are all sorts of variations and it really is a full body workout.
    I'm in the UK so don't know if I'm eligible for the giveaway...

  20. My favorite way to work out is to go for a nice long hike in woods. It exercises the body but relaxes the mind. So you barely feel like you are exercising at all! I also find that the beauty of nature puts a spring in my step and helps get me moving faster.

  21. my favorite way to work out is going on long walks with my dog. i also loooooove my kick boxing cardio DVD, but my dog often tries to jump on me in a playful way while I do the DVD workout so I walk tons more than actually use the DVD.

  22. Let's see: yoga, Pilates, low-impact aerobics for the usual. Add running to that when the snow finally melts!

    This year, I'm adding some MMA to the mix!

  23. I've adopted the CrossFit style workouts lately and I love it!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I love yoga. It's awesome for stress and makes me happy.

  26. Walking


  27. My favorite workout is aerial silks! This is the most challenging workout for me because it requires a balance between strength and grace--a balance that I need in my entire life.

  28. I enjoy working out at home on my bike and elliptical. I also use my free weights
    Thanks, indian_chic999(at) yahoo(dot)

  29. My favorite way to work out is....with a partner! Whether jogging outside, practicing yoga, working out with a DVD, etc., working out with a partner makes me happy. :)

  30. the water bottle with lemon reamer on top is so cool! mostly, i like hoofin' it with vee.


  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Running with a little yoga thrown in!

  33. My favorite way to work out is just in my own home, its just more convenient to pop in a DVD and workout whenever I get the mood! : )


  34. I love to run, but I am currently going to physical therapy for a knee injury. I've been doing my elliptical daily and I am going to start with yoga.

  35. i think i've tried to comment on your site about 5 times before and i dont think i could figure it out, so i hope it works this time... i think my roller derby history is catching up with me so i've just been doing yoga as of late. i miss running, but low-impact for this girl!

  36. What an awesome haul :) I followed your cleanse and have been working through the Thrive program. Have his books on my wishlist :)

    My favorite way to work out is run, walk or hike with my dog. This is my fav cause he always gets me out there, if not for me, I do it for him.

  37. My favorite way of working out depends on my mood, but I always feel great after a good, long run in a sunny and beautiful place.

  38. Thank you for this opportunity! I've followed your posts about the diet and it sounds tough, but really healthy too. And actually my favorite way to work out is to run. There's a bit of woods close to my apartment where I love running. In the winter it's not as easy since days over freezing point are limited, but in the summer, it's the best part of my day!

  39. Even though I don't work out as much as I should, I enjoy jogging and yoga.

  40. I love doing the Turbo Jam workout by Beachbody. It's so much fun that I actually look forward to working out. I just got the newest DVD by Chalene Johnson called Turbo Fire. Awesome workout.

  41. I have been using the treadmill lately. Which is weird because I don't run. I more like fast walk. But since I got my Kindle Fire I need to have something to do while I watch my movies! :-)

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. I forgot to add my email address sophie_680 AT hotmail DOT com

  44. Running! More like jogging as I am slow, but it gets my heart pumping.

  45. Not much of a gym person, but like to do outdoor activities, such as, walking, hiking in the foothills or roller blading and especially riding my bike.

  46. My favorite way of working out is going to the pool with friends!


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.