
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Cereal Killer

Okay, yea, my post title doesn't totally make sense, but I meant, like, lately, I've been eating a lot of cereal. Like, I'm killin' it! Right? Yea, it's a stretch.

Anyway, while I've been eating sandwiches all month for lunch and dinner, I've been eating a ton of cereal for breakfast (and the occasional late-night snack). That's because Whole Foods sent me a few new cereals and plant milks to try for blog reviews.

One of those cereals is Erewhon Supergrains Buckwheat & Hemp, and one of the milks is Sunflower Dream:

They were a perfect combo mixed with sliced bananas:

The Erewhon flakes were quite substantial. They were crunchy and held up to the milk for the 10 minutes or so it took me to finish this bowl (I eat very slowly so I make my food last as long as possible ... eating time is happy time). As for the flavor, well, they taste healthy. But that's not a bad thing. The flakes are unsweetened, and they have a slightly hempy flavor, which I like. But someone used to sugary cereals might not be so into them. Fortunately, I've kicked the sugary cereal habit, so I enjoy that crunchy, hippie flavor.

The Sunflower Dream milk tastes very healthy too. You can definitely taste the sunflower, but it's not overpowering. It's on the same creaminess level as, say, almond milk, but it's not quite as thick as soy or coconut. And it's packed with calcium (score!) and vitamin E. Would I choose sunflower over my standard almond or soy? Probably not. Unless it was on super-sale. But every once in a while, I like to mix up my milks. It's fun to have milk choices.


  1. I love crunchy hippy cereals, and I especially like cereals that stay crunchy the whole time I'm eating - instead of the ones that are soggy in seconds. No soggies!

  2. I'm definitely interested in trying that sunflower milk!

  3. I agree that milk choices are fun, and I've never seen sunflower! I'll have to look for it.

  4. I've been interested in trying that cereal ever since I heard of it...I really like the low sugar flake cereals because you can add whatever you want like bananas, raisins...chocolate chips...

  5. OMG, I never thought I'd ever see a cereal named after a Samuel Butler novel! :) Sunflower milk is a new one for me too--must try.

  6. I'd like to try the cereal as a cereal, but they also have a pie crust recipe on their site that uses cornflakes...maybe this would work in that, for a savory tart kind of recipe. Or crushed finely as a crustable on tofu. It has potential. :)

  7. Looks good, crunch is good, but for whatever reason, I have been off cereal for breakfast for about a year now. I would not turn it down if someone gave me some to review ;) But hmmm...I got some free granola in ny last half-marathon's schwag bag and it's been sitting in my pantry for a month now

  8. That looks wicked! I'm gonna have to try it.


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