
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cookin' Crunk Has Arrived!

The day has finally arrived, folks. After five long years of recipe development, testing, tasting, editing, editing, editing, and more editing, Cookin' Crunk: Eatin' Vegan in the Dirty South is finally here! The first copy arrived at my office this morning before I even made it in. My managing editor texted me, "I think your book is here." I was at home listening to a Memphis City Council meeting online for work, but I wrapped that meeting up and booked it in so I could hold the first printed copy in my hands!

Check it! In a few short days, I'll have another three cases in my possession to sell around town and on this blog. But if you don't want to wait, you can order it here on Amazon. Also, most major booksellers should be able to order copies.

Locals, I'll be scheduling a few booksignings for October and a release party for late September. Whole Foods and the Booksellers at Laurelwood will have copies soon. Stay tuned to the Vegan Crunk Facebook page (or this blog) for details. Anyone who knows me at all knows I'll pimp the hell out of this to the point of shamelessness. So don't worry. You'll know the date when I do.

Anyway, holding the printed copy in my hands was nothing short of magical. The occasion called for something special. So I decided to open the bottle of Vegan Vine Cab Sav that I picked up in Portland last year when I was there for Vida Vegan Con. I've been saving it for a special occasion, and this seemed to be it:

 Yep, it's been a pretty, darn good day.


  1. awww congratulations! so awesome! a (non-veg) friend posted your cookbook on my facebook wall, so i think you're getting pretty well publicized over on amazon. very exciting!

  2. So happy for you! Congratulations! After 5 years of hard work, it had to be a real thrill to hold it in your hands at last!

  3. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing all of your superamazing recipes in one little treasure...cheers!

  4. Congtats Bianca!!! That is so wonderful!

  5. Congratulations!!! I'm sure the day felt like forever away but it's finally here!!
    I look forward to getting your book soon, I know the recipes will be awesome. :)

  6. Congratulations! I look forward to checking it out!

  7. Congratulations! That's awesome! Looking forward to checking out your book!

  8. Ahhh congrats what exciting news!! The book looks great! What an amazing feeling that must be :) Can't wait to check it out!

  9. Congratulations! I can't wait to get my copy. I hope you'll autograph it for me.

  10. So happy for you!! I pre-ordered my copy. :)

  11. Congratulations, Bianca! I really can't wait to cook from your book.

  12. congrats, lady! this is so exciting!

  13. Yes! So exciting, Bianca! Congratulations!

  14. I'm so excited for you and can't wait to get my copy!

  15. Yay, I'm super happy for you! It's got a really handsome-lookin' front cover too.

  16. Congratulations!! I've been reading your blog for a long time and it's wonderful to see you accomplish this!

  17. Totally F**king Awesome! Congratulations. That's a huge accomplishment. Can't wait to get a copy and start Cookin' Crunk, yo.

  18. Congratulations that's so exciting. I can't wait to get a copy of the book.

  19. Next up Food Network! What!! They would be cool. Do they even have a vegan show yet?

  20. Congratulations!!!! I know how much hard work you put into this cookbook and I'm very proud of you. Love ya,Dad

  21. Congratulations, Bianca! That is so, so exciting!

    Do you know if your publisher be doing review copies?

  22. oh my gosh, CONGRATS!!!! how exciting to finally have it in your hands after all that hard work! i love the cover:)

  23. Congratulations, so excited for you.

  24. Congratulations! Glad to see that your hard work has paid off! :)

  25. You're my hero and you rock! Can't wait to order this from my local bookstore. You go, girl!

  26. Yay!! Congrats!!

    Your book is on my wish list!

  27. I want your book! It is so on my wishlist right now!

  28. I was perusing new cookbooks on Amazon yesterday and your lovely new book came up as a recommendation! Congratulations on getting it out after all your hard work!

  29. Big hugs and congratulations from Palo Alto California! have been reading your blog for a couple years and have been veg for about 5 years. Hope your book is super successful I know it will be! Love, Linz

  30. I'm glad the experience was magical and everything you hoped it to be!

  31. PERFECT occasion to open that bottle! :) :) :)

    I'm so happy for you, Bianca! There has been so much anticipation for your book to hit the shelves over the last few years and it's finally here!

    Never stop celebrating! :D <3

  32. Congrats, Bianca! Now I just need to look into ordering possibilities in Germany. (Berlin) There are two local bookstores that promote veg cookbooks in a big way and I want to speak to them about carrying your book. :)


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