So I won't bore you with more leftovers pictures. Instead, I'd like to talk about the non-food parts of this cleanse. In addition to eating an alkaline-based diet, I'm also supposed to meditate daily, work out five times a week, dry brush in the mornings, and use a neti pot for my sinuses.
The working out part is easy since I've been doing some form of exercise, either at the gym or at home, for five days a week for years. And the meditation? Well, sitting still isn't really my thing. But I'm trying it. I'm sitting at an altar with candles and incense each morning before my shower, closing my eyes, and trying to forget the world for five minutes. It's tough.
Dry brushing is a habit I'll surely carry on after the cleanse. You just rub your skin with a loofah-like brush every morning before hopping in the shower. It brushes away dead skin cells and gets the circulation moving. Plus, it feels great on my itchy, dry winter skin:
And then there's this article about a couple of people in Louisiana whose brains were eaten by zombie amoebas when they used unfiltered tap water in their neti pots! Oh yea, that gave me quite a scare. But I have the world's worst sinuses, and I thought I'd take Kris Carr's suggestion and give this all-natural cure a try. Of course, I'm boiling my water first so as not to be eaten by zombies:
Omg! I actually just tried a neti pot for the first time this week... and It was so weird! some water went down my throat and everything haha! but It totally works.
P.s. Love your blog!
Yeah, that article totally freaked me out too! But neti pots have the mad skillz...they're great when you have a cold.
I had read about dry brushing on Kris Carr's website... it opened up a whole new world! LOL. Never tried the neti pot, but with your great review I might need to give it a shot!! Happy Friday! Glad you weren't eaten by zombies!
~Sasha from Kale with Love
I'm scared of the neti pot too! Eek. Do you boil and cool the water first?
The vote of confidence on the neti pot is helpful, since I, too, got totally freaked out about them for the same reason!
I love all your posts on the Adventure Cleanse! Especially since I'm gearing up to start next month, right after my birthday.
Hey Amber! Yep, I let water cool until it's just lukewarm. Since I'm neti potting at night, I usually bring some water to boil in my kettle around 10 or so, and then when I'm ready for bed at midnight, it's mostly cooled off.
I've damn near drowned myself every time I've tried to use a neti pot.
This is really inspiring. I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, but my cravings always get the best of me halfway through day one. Did you have any cravings? If so, how did you beat them?
Great post! I want to get a natural brush for dry-brushing so badly. I just need to do it. I've always had trouble with neti-pots in the past. I guess I'm just not doing it right, but it would be nice to breathe. haha!
Wow what an article. Glad to hear the neti pot is working for you. I always hear good things about it.
I have to start dry brushing again, I used to years ago.
I still haven't explored the neti intimidates me, especially with those Louisiana zombie waters!
I need to do that meditating part too. I'm no good at it either. I think I'll do it right before bed, then sleep. :-)
If you have a stuffy nose when you wake up, it is very likely you have dust mite allergies. You may want to consider a dust mite cover for your pillow and if you can, mattress cover too. After I found out I had dust mites, I also change my sheets more and my nightshirt. The dry skin brushing helps with the dust mites too because they eat your dry skin. Ick, huh? Sorry for the lecture, hope it helps.
What is the benefit of dry brushing rather than using an exfoliating glove in the shower? I usually use an exfoliating glove which I soap up and cleanse with ... but I've heard about the benefits of dry brushing.
p.s. I love my Neti Pot.
Thanks for reminding me about the dry brushing! I meant to do that too. I have eczema so my skin is especially dry in the winter but brushing it really helps. My nose gets stuffy sometimes too but even simply eating high raw these last few days seems to have helped a lot. I might just stick with that rather than risk AMOEBA BRAIN.
Oh man theres so much I want to ask you but I don't want to be in the way! I really want to try this diet but I'm scared of paying so much money for the food and always preparing.
I probably won't rush out to try a neti pot, but I love love love dry brushing. I started about a year and a half ago, and it is really wonderful for my skin. Plus, the way I brush (7 upward strokes over each body part) is kind of meditative in itself.
I do the brush thing in the shower, so I guess it's more like wet brushing. Maybe I should try dry :) I used the neti-pot, but stopped because of that new article. I guess I should try boiling it. I kind of miss it haha
ooooo just found your blog - love it! instant bookmark :D where do you buy your dry brushing brush thingy?
Love the picture of you using the neti pot! We use ours maybe once a year someone in the family will need. Boiling water is a great tip.
I'm really enjoying your posts about the cleanse! That's a lot to quit and start all at once, but it looks like you're taking everything in stride. I've been curious about dry brushing. Where did you find your brush? What should a person look for when buying one?
I recently started using my neti pot again too! its so cold over here and my sinuses are constantly blocked. the neti pot really works though and although i almost choked the first couple of times using it again, it is a winter life safer! well done on the cleanse
Hey guys! I found the dry brush at Whole Foods, but any loofah should work too!
I like that you have of picture of you neti-ing! Haha
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