
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Crazy Sexy Day Eighteen

Jesus. These last few days have been the hardest stretch of my 21-day Crazy Sexy Diet detox. In the beginning, I was all fired up and ready to do this thing. But despite how clean and light and healthy I feel 18 days in, I'm growing weary of restrictions.

A few of my friends and I get together once a week for Girl's TV Show night, and we're currently working our way through the Twin Peaks series. Every time Agent Cooper gazes lovingly into his cup of coffee at the R&R and says "This is some damn fine coffee," I swoon. I know I've been whiny about coffee over the last few days, but I really NEED it!

Anyway, only a few more days. I can do this. The food I can have is delicious. That's not the problem. This morning started with another Green Guru Smoothie with more Sprouted Grain Cereal for a mid-morning snack. Lunch was the last of my Olive Quesadillas with Guacamole and another Salad with Raw Ranch.

But dinner was something new — Southwest Black Bean & Roasted Sweet Potato Burgers from Crazy Sexy Diet:

Black beans and roasted sweet taters are mashed together with brown rice, cumin, onion, and garlic and then dredged in cornmeal. I served my burger atop a slice of Food for Life Gluten-Free Pecan Rice Bread. And of course, there was more avocado on top. I've eaten an entire avocado today! Notice I only used one slice of bread. That's because these tiny gluten-free slices are 130 calories a piece!

My side dish was Steamed Cauliflower with Nooch. You can't beat that. I plan to continue focusing on whole foods like this after the cleanse, but I'll most certainly be adding back my coffee, booze, and a little sugar. I don't like feeling deprived.


  1. Despite it all, you've convinced me to buy this book.
    The owls are not what they seem.

  2. Ooooh! That black bean burger looks tasty! YUM!

  3. Interesting it's now that you want the coffee, because from what I've experienced and read, the addiction is really out of the system after a few weeks. It's probably more psychological at this point, but that's ok too. I wonder if looking at it like a break versus really trying to quit for good makes a difference too.

  4. I'm so impressed with your perseverance during this cleanse. It looks like you've managed to be clean and healthy while making some really yummy food! And don't worry, your coffee is right around the corner :)

  5. Hey Lady! I love the Crazy, Sexy, Diet! I am so glad you are doing so awesome on it. We've been out of town for the past two weeks, sorry I missed you at the shop... and thanks for the mention. :-)
    Your food pics are to die for and I think you may have missed your calling as a chef.
    Anyway sorry for the friggin', novel but just wanted to say how sorry I am about your grandpa.
    PS- In Boulder now and just ordered a Vegan pizza to be delivered in less than 10 minutes. :-P

  6. You're doing great, Bianca! Only a few days left!

  7. Yay you! Only a few days left! You've inspired me and I've been reading CSD for a few days now and have been vegan/GF/sugar free/almost all raw for 2 weeks now and I feel awesome. Going to be doing CSD once I get through the book. :)

  8. I have to say, I've done Carr's program twice now, and at the conclusion of each I've returned to coffee. I drink less than ever and really, truly enjoy every cup, every morning.:) I'm not perfect, and that's just fine. Best of luck on your journey!

  9. just have to comment to say how much I love Twin Peaks... and Special Agent Dale Cooper! ;)

  10. Wow you're so close and almost done! So encouraging to see how you've been doing it!!
    Those burgers sound so good though, at least the tasty food makes it a little easier!

  11. Hi Bianca,
    I started reading your blog recently because I was trying to start 2012 off on a vegan diet. I have to be honest - the fact that you're already a devoted vegan and feel the need to go on this very restrictive cleanse is a bit much for me to support. I had a friend who once described "vegan" as code for eating disorder. While I don't exactly agree with that philosophy, this cleanse is makes me think again. Is eating at all an enjoyable part of life for you or just another means to execute control and "routine?" I vote you give yourself a break and have a veggie burger :)


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.