
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cheeze & Waffles

Sometimes the best meals are weird and simple. A few days ago, I was email chatting with my cookbook's managing editor Cynthia Hopzapfel of Book Publishing Company. She told me "got" my Tofu Chicken Wafflewich (pictured here) because she, too, was a fan of the savory waffle meal. But her favorite treat is waffles and vegan cheeze!

Now I'd never heard of such a thing, but it sounded quite delicious to me. She recommended Leahey Gardens powdered sauce mix for the cheeze, and I have a stockpile of that in my pantry. I could have made homemade waffles, but between Bonnaroo last weekend and my BFF's wedding this weekend, I'm a busy, busy bee. So I bought some frozen Van's Gluten-Free Flax Waffles instead.

Behold Vegan Waffles & Cheeze:

The perfect mix of savory and sweet, this was a surprisingly satisfying breakfast. You could also make it with a simple nutritional yeast sauce if Leahey isn't around.

On that note, I'll see y'all again on Sunday or Monday. Leaving town again tomorrow for my best friend Sheridan's wedding in our Arkansas hometown. She's vegan, so I'm baking her wedding cupcakes (I have to bake 150 on Friday!!). Expect lots of pics later.


  1. Oooh this looks great! I love to have something not-too-sweet in the morning.

  2. we just got a wafflemaker yesterday (splurged, high dollar and totally worth it) so i'm gonna try this idea fo sho!

    check out my raw vegan strawberry cheesecake i made - pics in my blog - i wanna send you a piece ;) lol

  3. You're making the cupcakes for your friend's wedding? How much fun! We were going to make our own cupcakes for our wedding too, but too many arguments ensued with my mother...and now we're not :(

    Have a fun weekend!

  4. ive never thought of this before. where do you come up with all this wildness? :)

  5. I have had a giant, unopened bag of Leahey cheeze sauce mix since easter. Just this morning I pulled it to the front of the cabinet so I remember that I have it!

  6. Why have I never had savory waffles for dinner? Some frozen waffles are healthy enough that I wouldn't feel "bad" about it. Looks really good with the cheese sauce.

    Have fun at the wedding!

  7. Gauri Radha गौरी राधाJune 17, 2011 at 8:31 PM

    Cool idea!!

  8. Waffles & cheese sauce is a most excellent idea!

  9. YUM. All of your recipes are beyond gorgeous and make me 1. want to go to the South & 2. buy your book so I can experience it all in my own home ;)


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