
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cookies Fix Everything!

A few weeks ago, I accidentally kicked the surge protector on one of our graphic designer's computers at work. Oops! His computer went black, and he lost everything he was working on. My bad. He'd already requested that I bring cookies to work soon, but after this incident, he insisted that I owed him cookies. He later admitted that he really didn't lose that much work, but he saw the situation as the perfect way to guilt trip me into baking cookies.

After that, Chris came to my desk everyday to ask, "Hey Bianca, where's my cookies?" Unfortunately for Chris, I've been eating loads of pre-made treats (like chocolates and vegan cookies), restaurant desserts (from Imagine Vegan Cafe!!), and cupcakes at various parties and such. And I don't bake when I'm eating already-made desserts because when I bake, I eat lots and lots of cookie dough or cake batter. That's what makes it fun!

Anyway, I finally decided to make cookies for Chris (and the rest of my co-workers) last night. Everybody loves chocolate chip, so I went with Kelly's Chocolate Chip Cookies from the Vegan Cookie Connoisseur:

I added vegan white chocolate chips just because I could. Y'all, these may be one of my new fave cookie recipes! They're so soft and just the right amount of chewy. Kelly Paloza's book has a whole chapter on chocolate chip cookies, but she says these are the ones she used to make with her mom. So I knew they had to be the best:

All 21 cookies were gone in about an hour, so the co-workers definitely approved.

Are you a bowl/spoon licker when you bake? Or do you have enough self-control to wait until the baked goods come out of the oven?


  1. What cookie recipe was this one called? She has a couple in her book.

  2. wow, those cookies look unbelievably amazing!

  3. Self control? With cookies??? Perish the thought :) I always eat at least a couple cookies worth of batter. It's harder to resist the batter than the freshly baked cookie for me. Best thing about being vegan = no eggs in the cookie dough to worry about.

  4. Scissors: The recipe is actually called Kelly's Chocolate Chip Cookies. She has several in the book, but this one bears her namesake.

  5. i have no self control when it comes to cookie dough. I always want an even number of cookies, so stop at the even number and just eat the rest.

    i do lick the bowl after pouring the cake too, soo good. now if i could just make cake batter ice cream i would be in heaven. im sure there is a recipe somewhere..

  6. Those look perfect! Can you come and kick my surge protector?

  7. Those look amazing! Spoon licker for sure, and bowl...sometimes :)

  8. Those look delicious, I need to try that recipe.

  9. Those look amazing. I'm doing Eat To Live again so drooling over interweb cookies is quite nice :)

  10. Those look tasty! I love baking, and I usually munch up enough dough that I don't feel like eating any of the baked finished product, lol. Thankfully, with vegan baking you don't have to worry about salmonella!

    I just got VCIYCJ a couple weeks ago and I'm on a mission to bake through it! I've already make a couple kinds and they were pretty much awesome!

  11. Where do you get vegan white chocolate chips??????

  12. That's one more side benefit of being vegan - you can safely eat the raw cookie dough!

  13. Definitely craving these right now! yum!

  14. Definitely craving these right now! yum!


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