
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Eat This On Rollerskates

Growing up in Arkansas, I used to love eatin' at Sonic. We'd go to the drive-in at least once a week for a crazy mixed-up fruit soda (Grape-Cherry Ocean Water, anyone?) or hot salty fries. My parents taught me early on the best way to enjoy Sonic fries. Pour a whole package of salt in the bag. Seal. Shake. Consume. No ketchup required since the fries were typically eaten in the car before we ever made it home.

I rarely go to Sonic anymore since they don't have much for vegans. I may get fries or tots every now again (and no, I'm not one of those vegans who cares what grease my fries were cooked in). If Sonic offered vegan stuff, I'd surely eat there as I still adore fast food from time to time. But now I can make Sonic goodness at home, like this Vegan Frito Chili Cheese Wrap from Jenn Shaggy's Veganize It, Don't Criticize It blog:

Now I probably haven't had a Sonic Frito Chili Cheese Wrap in 20 years, so I'm not sure how close this is to the real thing. But who cares? It's fantastic! The chili is from Jenn's own recipe, a simple-but-tasty preparation. I subbed TVP for her seitan because it seemed quicker. I'm sure the seitan chili would have been amazing though.

The chili is topped with Fritos, Daiya vegan cheese, and red onion, and then it's all wrapped up in a Cedar's Mountain Bread wrap. Not healthy food by any means, but y'all know I like my naughty stuff. Here's Jenn's recipe so you can be naughty too!

To balance out my junk food consumption, I served my wrap with Isa's OMG Baked Onion Rings from Appetite for Reduction:

You'd think a baked onion ring just wouldn't have the same crunch as a fried version. But you'd be wrong. I know I was. These low-fat rings were uber-tasty sans all the grease. I dipped them liberally in sriracha-ketchup. I swear they were just as good as Sonic's onion rings!

Which fast food item would you love to see veganized?


  1. I wish I had eaten that for breakfast today. It looks AMAZING!!!


  2. we are big fans of jenn's as well and bought her cookbook. gotta try this recipe!

  3. YUM! I've never been to a Sonic because I'm from the NW, but I used to eat the chili-cheese taco bell burrito... This would probably be awesome with the pepper jack daiya.

  4. Sriracha ketchup! Why didn't I think of that?!

  5. Even though there aren't Sonics for hundreds of miles, we used get tons of commercials for them in DC. Everything looked so good it would drive us crazy - to the point we almost considered road tripping it. Those were pre-vegan days of course, but the memory still gives me a laugh. Those onion rings look amazing though!

  6. Yum..I am so going to make that! I used to love sonic and I still love their tots! :o)

  7. well, I'm not vegan, but if I could find a vegan version of a Monster biscuit I would definitely eat it.

  8. Sonic's tots are pretty good (we occasionally stop there because J-Fur is craving a cherry limeade). I'd love to see a burger king sandwich they had years ago, chicken with sauce and cheese, veganized.

  9. It looks good.

    I have a copy of Appetite for reduction, but I still haven't got down to it.

    I would love to see vegan eggs... with a sort of liquid middle and a hard white part... not too sure that's possible, though.

    I love vegan junk food.


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.