
Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day! Vegan Kickstart, Day 10

It snowed in Memphis last night! Snow is a crazy thing down here. We're lucky if it happens once a year. Before the first flakes fall, everybody freaks out. Grocery stores are jam-packed. Businesses close early. Working from home is a sure bet. That's exactly what I did today, and though I'd much rather be in the office, it was kinda nice working so close to my kitchen.

There's 11 more days to go in the 21-Day Vegan Kickstart meal plan, and working from home gave me easy access to today's meals. Breakfast and lunch today were made up of dishes you've seen me post before, but dinner was all new.

Breakfast was more Oat Bran with Mashed Banana, Maple Syrup, and a splash of Soymilk (added after the shot). Check out that white snow in the background!:

Lunch today was another Sunshine Burger on Rye Bread with leftover Mexican Corn Salad:

My snack was a sweet, juicy Pink Lady Apple and Carrot Sticks:

Of course the gym was closed due to inclement weather, so I did a little floor work from the Skinny Bitch Body DVD. Then I made this yummy dinner of Creamy Broccoli Soup made with potatoes, celery, and broccoli (duh!):

On the side, I had this Quinoa Pilaf — a cumin-spiced grain dish with carrots, onion, celery, and garlic:

The best part of my day was probably that Pink Lady Apple. I don't eat enough fruit, and thankfully, this plan is correcting that bad habit. I always forget about Pink Ladies, but if I could eat one everyday, I would!

Do you eat enough fruit everyday? What's your favorite fruit?


  1. I must eat about 4 pieces of fruit every day! Loving passionfruits, grapefruits and peaches here in Australia at the moment! and berries of all sorts mmmm summer is definitely the best time for fruit here.

  2. we get our fruits in fresh-squeezed juices and smoothies, as well as fresh fruit that's in season. my fave fruit is and will always be blueberries at the peak of blueberry season :D

  3. I admire the fact that you can stick to this, even on a snow-day! I would be like, snow day equal hot chocolate! My fave fruit right now is clementines, and I eat like 3 a day.

  4. I love eating fruit!! I usually have a piece with breakfast, lunch, mid afternoon snack...sometimes another piece at night. More in the summer, of course.

  5. I love fruits, but lately I've mostly been drinking juice. My favorite fruit is probably strawberries, but I only eat them when they are in season (in Canada!). Other than that, I mostly eat apples, bananas and clementines.

  6. I've averaging like two apples a day lately. When I've got grapes in the house I could probably eat the entire bag in one sitting. Deeelicious.

  7. We're snowed in here in Atlanta, too! Yay for snow in the south! :-)

  8. I eat tons of fruit! usually in whole form instead of juice. I just love fruits. I can't say I have a favorite, but I love bananas, pears, honeycrisp apples, pink lady apples, and jonagold(I think that's what they are called) apples, and clementines at this moment.

  9. Yumyum! I am enjoying the kickstart recipes mixed with some Eat To Live recipes. I eat a banana and an apple almost everyday. I eat other fruit every chance I get too!

  10. I LOVE fruit. I dont think i eat enough veggies.. haha (oops!)
    apples, pineapple, grapes, cherries, watermelon, bananas... i could go on <3 haha
    of course I LOVE veggies.. Carrots and celery with almond butter<3... salads.. but i have to be in the mood to get my veg in. haha :) Love!!

  11. I live in Georgia, so I know what you mean. We've been snowed in for two days. No fruit in the house... :(

  12. Got my hubby to eat a sliced Honeycrisp apple this weekend with our veg pancakes. Very happy about that. He hardly ever eats fruit or veggies. I'll have to try the Pink Lady apples if I can find them here, but the organic Honeycrisp's are sooo yummy.


    PS--we just got our first snow this winter here in Wichita :(

  13. I love fruit so much, that's probably why I'm on a raw vegan diet.

  14. Oh my goodness...I *love* fruit and eat way too much of it! I love any and all fruit, but my absolute favorite is watermelon. So good!

    Why would you much rather be at the office?! I would love to work from home!


  15. I probably eat 3 or 4 servings of fruit per day. I love fruit, especially cherries. Thankfully I can feed my need for cherries year round by stocking up on frozen organic cherries.

  16. Honeycrisp apples are INSANE! So crisp, so sweet. I could never go back to Red Delicious after eating Honeycrisp. I'll have to try Pink Ladies.

  17. Favorite fruit is blueberries, I try to eat fruit every day. If a sunshine burger was fruit, I might have to change that to my favorite though. Looks good.

  18. Mikans! They're Japan's answer to the clementine orange, but sweeter, jucier, seedless and the peel comes off much easier. They come into season around November and I can never get a bag of them to last more than a day.

  19. Love me some peaches! We had some awesome ones from Three Springs Fruit Farm in PA this summer and I can't wait for the snow to go away and the seasons to change so that I can have a peach again.


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