
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Vida Vegan Blogger Conference

It's finally happening! For years, I've been dreaming about a magical vegan food blogger conference where I would finally get the opportunity to meet all my bloggy friends in one place. We'd all hold hands and sing songs and stuff our faces with tofu and just generally be BFFs.

Well, the Vida Vegan Blogger Conference is a real deal, and it's happening August 26th-28th, 2011 in Portland, Oregon (of course!) Who do we have to thank for making this happen? None other than Jess of Get Sconed, Janessa of Epicurious Vegan, and Michele of Vegtastic Voyage.

Turns out that hand-holding and sing-a-longs aren't on the agenda (thank god, because it turns out I'm not really into those things after all). Instead, vegan food bloggers will be speaking on a variety of topics ranging from food photography, ethical dining, vegan parenting, podcasting, writing for non-vegans, and much, much more.

I was honored to be invited to speak at Vida Vegan, and I'll be joining some of the best vegan bloggers on the planet like Lindsay of Happy Herbivore, Dynise Balcavage of Urban Vegan, Kris Holechek of nom! nom! nom! blog, Laura Beck of Vegansaurus, and so many others. Check out the list here (and scroll down to see a picture of my adorable cat!). By the way, Isa Chandra Moskowitz will be hosting!

The event will be held at Portland's University Hotel & Conference Center. Registration begins on Friday, Oct. 15th, and the first 50 folks to sign up are eligible to win a $50 gift certificate from Food Fight Grocery. For registration and speaker info, here's the Vida Vegan website. And here's the Facebook group. And the Twitter.


  1. I've never been to a blogger conference or gathering... But I could totally make it to this one!!

  2. How cool is that! Would love to meet the Urban Vegan and of course Miss Moskowitz. You'll have to give a full report of the event for all of use who can't make it!

  3. I really want to go! Might have to start planning now.

  4. I am excited about this. I've travelled a lot; but never to Portland. this is going to be awesome. Now; to plot cheap flights and a nice room.

  5. I am definitely, strongly considering going to Vida Vegan! It would be awesome to see you again and meet so many new people, and finally get to go to Portland!

  6. So cool!!! and plenty of time to plan for it. Thanks for the info.

  7. I cannot wait to meet you. I am really hoping we can deep-fry something together!!

  8. OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!! This is awesome news!!!!


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.