
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Vegan Mofo: Halloween Recap

Halloween will be over in 15 minutes, but the Day of the Dead, World Vegan Day, and the first day of Vegan Mofo are right around the corner. In fact, by the time most of you are reading this, it will officially be November 1st. I'll be posting every weekday in November as part of Mofo with the exception of November 3rd through the 8th, when I'll be on a cruise from New Orleans to Mexico. But more on that later.

For now, I'd like to look back for a minute at Halloween weekend. Friday night, I went to my friend Shara's Halloween party. I dressed as a Crazy Cat Lady, which isn't too far off from real life since I have six cats.

I had cat toys in my messed-up hair and faux cat scratches and kitty paws on my face. And I pinned stuffed kitties to my clothes. I wore a Cat Lady Pride tee and an embroidered cat vest. Oh, and I had cat earrings and a cat necklace.

On Saturday, I judged the Monster Ball costume contest at Push Nightclub at Horseshoe Casino in Tunica, Mississippi. We dined at the Jack Binion casino steakhouse, and I actually found lots of yummy veggies on the menu — steamed asparagus, sauteed green beans, wild mushroom ragout with brandy, and a big ole plate of steak fries. The staff was really accommodating about my vegan-ness. I didn't take photos though since it was kinda fancy in there and really, really dim.

Today — on actual Halloween — I went to my Me-Maw's for our annual family Halloween party. My Me-Maw LOVES Halloween and she decorates everything in her house with ghosts, witches, pumpkins, bats, and goblins. So kitsch and fab! Here's Me-Maw and me in front of her Halloween tree (like a Xmas tree but with spooky decor):

As per tradition, we had Chili Dogs and Chips:

Mine was a Light Life Smart Dog with Hormel Vegetarian Chili, mustard, and chopped onion. My mom grilled regular meat dogs for everybody else, but I'm special. :-)

Question: What did you do for Halloween? Did you dress up?


  1. Bahahaha, love the cat lady costume, especially the scratches and the cat toys in your hair! I was Vegan Cookie Monster this year, I had too much fun with that ;)

  2. I was most definitely a ninja this year, but I think a crazy cat lady beats that any day. Nice costume!

  3. Your costume is cute! It made me laugh though, there's a lady I do volunteer work with at Petsmart who kinda dresses like that all the time (minus the stuffed cats). Your Halloween sounds like it was fun! I didn't do anything special this year, I spent the day cleaning and studying. I did make us some candy corn on Saturday though.

  4. love the cat toy in your hair. such a fashion statement!

  5. i'm stealing the halloween tree!! :)

  6. i love your crazy cat lady costume, Bianca! the little kitteh toys in your hair are a funny touch. :) this year we didn't dress up, but we did answer the door for trick or treaters and distribute loads of vegan candy. w00t! i love your Me-Maw's halloween tree, and your chili dog is calling my name. we haven't had chili dogs since becoming vegan and i've gotta fix this pronto! happy mofo'n to you! :D

  7. Mwahaha! That is the best costume ever! Chili dogs? Mr. Wing-It will be jealous - he's a vegan chili dog fanatic.

  8. You chili dogs look so s good. Your cat lady costume was also very funny. I didn't know you had 6 cats! Wow!

  9. Your costume is hilarious! We didn't do anything for Halloween cause we're lame like that, but we did watch Zombieland on Saturday, so that counts I guess.

  10. I love the costume! That's so clever. I may steal it....

  11. Your costume cracks me up! And I seriously love your Me-Maw. Amazing.

  12. Your Me-Maw's Halloween tree is awesome.

  13. oh my GAWD. I love that your awesome grandma has a halloween tree!!! No wonder you are so cool... clearly, it's genetic! happy day of the dead! happy mofo!

  14. Awesome that your whole family has a Halloween party!


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