I grew up in a small Arkansas town, just an hour north of Memphis. My parents and the rest of my family still live there, so anytime I want to visit them, I have to cross this bridge over the Mississippi River:

Bridges over the river are the only way in and out of Arkansas, and driving over them affords me the opportunity to check out the great river that contributed to the formation of this city years and years ago. I'm also lucky enough to work in an office located just two blocks from the river's edge. All that stuff they say about the "muddy Mississippi" is totally true. The water has a brownish tint on most days.
Where am I going with all this river talk?
Mississippi Mud Cookies! That's where:

These little no-bake cookies have lots of names, but down here we call 'em Mississippi Mud Cookies. The exact recipe will be included in my cookbook, but I can say that they're made with a combination of chocolate, peanut butter, and oats — three of the tastiest ingredients ever. I'm certain these taste way better than water from the actual Mississippi River.
One interesting thing about these cookies: They won't set when it's too humid outside.
Last time I tested this recipe, the cookies never firmed up. So you'll want to pick a day with some nice weather to make these. Otherwise you can just eat the "mud" with a spoon, which is still delicious and maybe even more fun.
Oh my gosh, I'm drooling over those cookies.
I used to live in Germantown, TN so that bridge is a familiar site for me.
Your blog is awesome! Yea for Southern Vegans!
Ah the Big Muddy. I grew up on the Iowa/Illinois border, right on the Mississippi.
The cookies look delicious!
I usually go the simple route and smear peanut butter all over my chocolate bar... but this looks good too. :P
You had me at chocolate :)
All we need now is a nice tall glass of some cold non dairy milk to go with those fabulous coonkies...they look divine.
My family has always just called them No Bake Oatmeal Cookies. One of my biggest vices is eating the batter without cooking the cookies. It is SO good. I was so happy when I revisited the recipe and saw it was so easy to be modified to be vegan.
Those are my all time favorite cookies!!!
yay for arkansas vegans! i grew up in osceola, arkansas, an hour north of memphis, so that bridge brings back tons of memories.
I love a dessert with oats. I agree, that river is muddy but also spectacular - it really is wide compared to almost all the other rivers you'll come across.
thats a great shot of the bridge. Those cookies look divine! Cant wait to get a copy of your cookbook; all your recipes look amazing!
Can't wait to see the recipe! Those are by far the best 3 ingredients ever!
I love making those cookies! They're so quick and easy. I love mixing the oats with some rice krispies, because they get all chewy.
We just call them No Bakes though. :)
I love your blog!!! I come here all the time and read about your recipes. I too and a southern girl and I can really related to a lot of the southern foods you veganize!
What are you doing with all the leftovers? I demand a give-away!
mmm those look like the no-bake cookies I make when I have a huge chocolate craving but no time to bake a proper dessert ;)
In Virginia we call these Preacher cookies--I have no idea why!
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