
Monday, September 6, 2010

Mellow Mushroom Has Daiya Cheese!

So this may not be news to everybody, but in case you hadn't heard, the Mellow Mushroom pizza chain has begun offering Daiya vegan cheese!

For those who already live in awesome big cities where vegan cheese is readily available, this may not be big news. But I never, ever, ever thought I'd be able to order a vegan cheese pizza at a Memphis restaurant. Yet last Thursday, I did just that. Stephanie (aka Poopie Bitch) and I split this massive large Mega-Veggie Pizza with Daiya:

OMG! The only way to describe this pizza is, um, orgasmic. Seriously y'all. I've never put a tastier pizza in my mouth, not even in my cheese-eatin' days. This sucker was piled high with Daiya Italian shreds, tofu, sundried tomatoes, spinach, green peppers, mushrooms, onions, black olives, tomatoes, broccoli, banana peppers, and artichoke hearts. The original Mega-Veggie comes with feta, but we subbed out the Daiya instead. Look at that sexy slice:

Washed down with a frosty pint of Magic Hat #9, this pizza was my ultimate dream meal. If was on death row, this would be my last meal request ... for real.

The Mellow Mushroom location in Germantown (a suburb just outside of Memphis) didn't have Daiya listed on the menu yet. So if you go to a location in your hometown, be sure to ask if you don't see it listed. All the vegans with nearby Mellow Mushrooms need to order Daiya as often as possible so the pizza chain won't consider ever removing it from their offerings.

By the way, this post wouldn't be complete without a shout-out to vegan buds Lindsay and Jordan (I think Jordan was in a conversation across the table when I took this, hence the silly facial expression):

These two just moved to Chicago over the weekend, and we met up with them at Mellow Mushroom for a goodbye dinner. Lindsay was the one responsible for telling me Mellow Mushroom had Daiya! In fact, Lindsay is on top of all the vegan news ... I'm really gonna miss that bitch. I'm sure she'll be happier in Chicago though (land of vegan opportunity ... like delicious dinners at the Chicago Diner ... sigh).

If you're local (or visiting Memphis soon), you can find Mellow Mushroom at 9155 Poplar Ave. (901-907-0243). But if you're not in the Bluff City, you can find Mellow Mushroom locations in 16 states. Click here for a location guide.

Tuesday is the last day to enter my Artisana coconut butter giveaway. Click here for details.


  1. i just checked my mellow mushroom and they have daiya! i'm going there as soon as possible. i miss their pizza so much!

  2. My husband and I just went to a Mellow Mushroom in Johnson City, TN yesterday for lunch and ordered the same exact thing. It was AMAZING.

  3. that does look and sound like one of the best pizzas around...we have a similar pizzeria here in pittsburgh called Spak Brothers.

    you'd LOVE the seitan wings!

  4. That pizza looks/sounds amazing. We're lucky enough to have (at least) 2 vegan pizza options in Denver; City O' City (they make their own vegan cheese!) and The Rebellion, who uses Daiya, FYH, Galaxy & they deliver!

  5. so, next time i'm in memphis, i know where i'm eating! that pizza looks delicious!!!! i just stocked up on daiya at whole foods sunday... i should've gone to MM to eat before hand!

  6. We have one here and haven't tried it yet. It sounds tasty.

  7. I am definately marching down to my local wholefoods and buying that Daiya cheese!!! That pizza LOOKS BEAUTIFUL!!! I'm vegetarian... on the road to being vegan... Originally from Texas but transplanted to CA so it's been pretty easy so far.. been working on replacing eggs with EnerG. But I am addicted to cheese hardcore! Hopefully this Daiya will help me with the transition!
    I love your blog and love that you are in the South because I will be relocating back to Texas and am pretty darn worried about it. But I am determined to stay on the path!!

    Have a beautiful day!!!

  8. I heard they are opening a Mellow Mushroom here in Charlotte. I hope it's true because I am dying to try that pizza you ordered!

  9. OMG...I love Mellow Mushroom! Your pizza looks awesome! I can't wait to try it out..that is if we ever make our way back to Memphis. :o)

  10. NOM. And MellowMushroom has bbq tofu for pizza. How could you go wrong?!
    It's funny; there are 3-4 places here with vegan cheese on pizzas..but Whole Foods isn't one of them.

  11. That is great news! The pizza looks good with all the toppings, not just the Daiya.

  12. Never heard of Mellow Mushroom. Next time I'm in Charlottesville, I will check them out.

  13. You can totally make that at home also! I love it! Daiya is the bizzomb! That's my technical term for it :)

  14. Oh the pizza looks delicious! :) So glad you have found a good place for vegan pizza.

    I wish I could order vegan pizza where I live, but I'm afraid it will still be a while... :(

  15. I am new to this vegan idea...but it really intrigues me as a single Collierville gal who loves animals and has been a life long member of every animal protection agency that I can find. Here is my question: Other than Whole Foods, where can I purchase organic/vegan foods?

  16. I ran across this blog in my quest to learn more about the Daiya @ MM rumor I heard. Glad to see that it is true that MM offers vegan cheese now. However, there is only one MM remotely near me and they don't offer it. Maybe some day they will come around...

    Thanks for the info and the pics of the pizza. It looks delicious!

  17. Looks good! Another option in some parts of the SouthEast is Brixx Pizza. Their regular dough is vegan and they have Daiya! Also, they have a kid's vegan cheese pizza for $4.95 here in Charlotte, NC. Folks are trying to encourage Brixx to offer a vegan gluten free dough. Their current GF dough is not vegan.

  18. An Ode to Mellow Mushroom:


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