
Thursday, August 5, 2010

King Cake

To be honest, I'm not a huge Elvis fan. But I live in Memphis, and I've gotta give the man props for putting us on the musical map ... oh, and for um, inventing rock 'n' roll. Not to mention that Elvis was smokin' hot.

Elvis is everything here, especially for two weeks out of the year — Elvis' birth week in January and his death week in August. Early next week, thousands of tourists from across the globe will descend upon our fair city to pay homage to their fallen King on the 33rd anniversary of his death. Though he actually died on August 16th, Graceland offers a week of celebratory events.

Tonight, I honored His Highness by baking a batch of my kitschy Elvis Cupcakes to bring to O.C. Night:

These are going in the cookbook, and I've featured them before. But I'm testing, so I thought Elvis Week would be a very appropriate time to make these again. Plus, I wanted to get the opinions of the bitches at O.C. Night.

Basically, it's a banana bread-like cupcake topped with peanut buttercream in honor of Elvis' favorite fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. I know the pirate cupcake wrappers don't really fit the King theme, but I've been dying for an excuse to use them. I'm sure Elvis could appreciate a good pirate.


  1. Wow your cupcakes look fantastic! Props for the wrappers. Bet they were a hit!

  2. I like the pirate cupcake wrappers :)

  3. Oh man, those sound great. Peanut butter & banana anything is awesome :)

  4. Awesome looking cupcake! I love PB&B! :o)

  5. Hey chic, your blog is rockin' out loud!!! Love the look of the cupcakes! I may have to try this.

  6. Yummm- and I love the wrappers. I'm pretty certain Elvis loved pirates. :D

  7. That is a King Cake! They sound delicious and look great with the toppings.

  8. I'd drive to memphis just to eat one!

  9. Lovin those cupcake wrappers!!!
    Sounds like a tasty cupcake.

    There was a time when people would say that my husband looked like Elvis. Funny huh?

  10. awesome cupcake...lovin it! though i'm not lovin "The King" - same as you :D

  11. This is my favorite cupcake flavor!!! I call them Elvis cupcakes. I have a hard time making the peanut butter icing come out fluffy, though. But it's dreamy none-the-less :)

  12. now that's a hunka-hunka burnin'cupcake.

  13. PB & Banana is a cupcake combination made in heaven!

  14. hey bianca,
    those cupcakes look awesome -- can't go wrong with peanut butter! i love the skull n' bones cupcake liners. i've been reading over your blog, it's great, can't wait to see your cookbook!

  15. Elvis cupcakes sound so delicious, I'm all shook up. (I apologize. That was super lame) Love the pirate wrappers!

  16. I want those cupcake wrappers! I have a thing for pirates. (Yes, I'm a weirdo)

  17. I will take that cupcake! Please and thank you.

  18. love both the cupcake and the pirate cupcake wrappers !


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