I'm no fan of babies. I prefer kittens and puppies. But I'm pretty sure my friend Stephanie's (a.k.a. Poopie Bitch) vegan baby will be pretty cool. Vegan babies are way better than the regular kind. Since she's having a cool baby, I hosted a baby shower at my house on Saturday. I cross-stitched a piece that expressed exactly how I feel about babies:

Although Stephanie can't drink right now, I wasn't about to throw a party without booze. All of us non-preggo folks sipped on these
Baby Aspirin cocktails (coconut rum, triple sec, grenadine, orange juice and pineapple juice):

We also snacked on some delicious
Edammame Hummus with pita chips:

This recipe is featured for May in Sarah Kramer's Go Vegan 2010 wall calendar. But it can also be found in
La Dolce Vegan. Good, good stuff! Probably one of my top five favorite hummus recipes.
I also created a new cookbook recipe for the occasion —
Butter Bean Bruschetta:

Toasted baguette slices are topped with a butter bean spread, tomato, avocado, red onion, and fresh basil.
And I whipped up some vegan
"Save the Pigs" in a Blanket:

For these, I wrapped Lightlife Smart Dogs in my own recipe for butter soymilk biscuit dough.
And it wouldn't be a proper party without cupcakes! Since Stephanie is the cake queen, she brought over a batch of her famous
Chocolate Cupcakes with Chocolate Ganache:

Thankfully, I have a few of these leftover to munch on for the next few days. Besides eating, we played some lame baby shower games, and then Stephanie got to open presents. She got lots of great gifts for the baby, including these awesome books (from Lindsey) to prepare her for raising the kid to be a proper vegan —
Vive le Vegan by Dreena Burton and
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegan Eating for Kids.

The kid is due in July. Steph and Richard are waiting until the baby pops out to find out the its gender. I'm voting for "girl" although I have a feeling that it's gonna be a boy.
On a completely different note, my boyfriend Paul just asked me to ask all of y'all to send his dad some positive healing energy. His dad went to the hospital today after either a series of seizures or a mild heart attack ... the doctors aren't sure which it was yet. Thanks guys! Positive energy is much appreciated.
What an awesome party! The "babies suck" card made me laugh!!! I think most babies suck too but vegan babies rule <3
... that food would be worth the lame games I think ... I'm definitely going to have to try the edammame hummus
u are such an awesome friend!
That card made laugh! You know how to host a party that's for sure. The food looks amazing! Must try that humus.
Sending healing thoughts to your bf's father. I hope he is okay!
Oh, I'm really sorry to hear about your boyfriend's dad. I will definitely be thinking good thoughts for him, I'm sure he will be fine!
Okay, I don't think I've ever been to a baby shower, but this one looks like a lot of fun! The food is yummmmmy, especially that edamame hummus, love the color!
I'm not a huge fan of babies either, but I do like the little people my friends keep having. I am going to have to get that Babies Suck pattern for sure!
Very sorry to hear about Paul's Dad. Hope he recovers soon!
Party looks awesome! The way a baby shower should be! Haha!
haha "vegan babies are way better than the regular kind"
love this...haha so true! ;)
your snacks for it look great, and the pigs in the blankets are so cute! :)
That sounds like an awesome baby shower. You're a really great friend! The few baby showers I have been to were HORRIBLE. I hate going to them.
Definitely the best baby shower ever - including any ones I'll go to in the future. LOVED all the food of course. That's such a great name too - "save the pigs in a blanket" :)
I'm so with you. I way prefer kittens and puppies to babies, but I agree that vegan babies ARE way cooler than the regular kind! LOL Stephanie will be way cooler than the average mom too.
Hoping for all the best for Paul and his dad.
Babies have to suck, at least until they can chew!
Lots of positive thoughts for Paul's dad too.
So sorry to hear about your boyfriend's dad. I will definitely be sending positive vibes his way.
Regarding the baby shower...what a friend you are. Babies aren't so bad when they are yours or when they are your close friends. Oh and vegan babies do rule!!! Actually I thought it was harder raising a puppy then my one baby. hee hee
I love the martini glass!
I am really sorry about Paul's dad. I hope he is ok!
And I love your cross-stitched piece, it's so awesome!
happy, healthy, and positive thoughts are being sent to Paul's father, Bianca. please keep us updated - i hope he's better super soon.
babies do suck, i've gotta agree - but i'm all about a vegan baby, and i love me some Steph! :) sweet gloriousness on the baby aspirin cocktails - i love the martini glasses. the save the pigs look mighty scrummy, the cuppies look fantastical, and butter bean bruschetta?!?! f*ck yeah! i loooove me some butter bean awesomeness; i can't wait to test it out. w00t! i need to make some edamame hummus as well - we've got a bag in the freezer that needs to be put to some good use. your cross stitiching kicks so much ass, Bianca! yay!
sending positive energy your way
This is exactly the kind of shower I'd want (if I were knocked up and all that).
Sending positive thoughts your way! :)
That looks like a perfect shower! Sending healthy vibes!
ooooooo....you had so much great food...looks like everyone had a blast. good job Bianca!
Man, that *does* sound like an uncharacteristically awesome baby shower! Well done. :)
Sending lots of positive thoughts to Paul and his dad. Hope things work out!
sending good hopes your way! I hope he's well on the way to recovery.
Poopie vegan babies are the best :)
Positive energy SENT. I'm going to a baby shower next week and I've got to make a dish. I need to figure out something that won't scare the traditional Texas women. Your shower looks like my kinda party- Nice needlepoint too!
Congrats to Stephanie! Looks like a fun party.
I have to rant a little though - I wish The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegan Eating for Kids was out last year when I was writing a report on that EXACT subject. Seriously.
i'm sincerely sending some positive energy for your boyfriend's dad...
...and the card, baby sucks, was awsome!
Yay for the Babies Suck cross stitch! It looks like a fun party for a fun girly! Thinking good thought for Paul's dad.
Keep going on. Your site is interesting and useful. I have learned from it a lot of new inforation.
I like your posts as they are innovative and somehow fresh. Hope you will never stop writing.
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