Two reasons: 1) Noyes' debut book is filled with lip-smacking recipes for comfort food so comfy, it'll make you want to change into your PJs and settle into your ratty old sofa with a soft cat on your lap and steaming bowl of vegan eats in your hands. And 2) Because my daddy is the best dad a girl could ever ask for!
You see, my dad read my gushing reviews of Tami's book (from Vegan Appetite) a few weeks ago on this blog. Then he called me to ask if I'd like to give away a couple of copies if he ordered them from Amazon. Um, do vegans eat tofu? Of course I would! So daddy ordered a few copies, and I'm giving them away to two lucky random commenters on this post.
But first, I want to show y'all another reason why you need Tami's book. Just look at this hearty Seitan Goulash with Kraut over Parsleyed Noodles:
The rest of the goulash combines tangy sauerkraut, diced tomatoes, carrots, and mushrooms. And the most important ingredient — beer (I used Sam Adams Boston Lager). The goulash is served atop simple whole wheat noodles adorned with parsley, soy margarine, and a wee bit of salt. A little dab of Tofutti sour cream on top, and you've got yourself one helluva meal. I ate the leftovers from last night's dinner tonight, and the hoppy beer flavor is even better the next day.
You can see this recipe and loads of other diner-style favorites (like Tempeh Stroganoff-Stuffed Potatoes, Sweet Garlicky Ribs, and Apple Butterscotch Pie) if you win American Vegan Kitchen.
Here's what you've gotta do: At the end of this post, leave me a comment letting me know your favorite comfort food. Be sure to include an email address if you don't have a blog that I can track you down on.
For extra entries, link to this contest on Facebook, and leave me an additional comment to let me know. Same thing goes for Twitter. Also, if you have a blog, mention and link back to this contest on your blog, and let me know in an additional comment. That means each person can have a maximum of four entries!
Also, sorry to all of my international friends, but I'll have to restrict the contest to U.S. residents only since my dad will be handling the shipping. Good luck! I'll leave the contest open until Thursday at 10 a.m. CST.
Your daddy is so awesome! What a generous man!
I think my favorite comfort food is probably toasted Ezekiel bread with mustard on top (in lieu of something sweet, like jam). I know it's kind of odd, but I love it. :)
My partner makes the world's best spaghetti sauce, and together with al dente pasta and garlic bread, it's a total over-carb comfort scene. We have salad, too, but hey, it's the pasta! Thanks for doing this give-away.
Awww, your Dad is so sweet. I've been eyeing up this book, so even if I don't win, I think I will be ordering it for myself.
Right now my favourite super-quick-and-easy comfort food is a one-pot soup/stew hybrid of whatever veggies I have in the house with some miso paste added at the end (tastes so good and makes it seem fancier than just normal soup). It works great with chopped-up potatoes or rice, lots of veg, chunks of tofu etc etc!
I have to agree with the other poster and say spaghetti with garlic bread. My partner makes a pretty mean tempeh shepherds pie, too!
Mac and Cheese is my favorite! absolutely!
my favorite comfort food is grilled cheese with tomato basil soup. Until recently, I haven't had a grilled cheese in a long while, well, because of the cheese part! But the Whole Foods near me recently started carrying Daiya vegan cheese and decided to try it out in grilled cheese form - it was DELICIOUS!
My all time favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes. My grandfather and I would get into fistfights over the leftover mashed potatoes at Thanksgiving....
Ok, so the fistfights aren't true, but I can't say it wouldn't happen.
Aww thanks Papa Crunk!
I think it's become obvious to anyone who reads Veg is Sexy that my favorite comfort food is mac and cheeze.
hmm, i think that my favorite comfort food might be pasta with mashed potato sauce. that's something i only make when i need comforting.
oh, and chocolate. duh.
aaand practically anything that involves fresh peaches!
miiriiam @ riseup . net
Aww..your dad is a sweetheart. Favorite comfort food? Tough call. as far as raodside diner comfort food I'd totally go for veganized breakfast platter or some spicy mac 'n' "cheese" with faux bacon and peppers, especially if it's got an old school crumbly topping. Oh yeah, I totally linked on my new twitter account! http://twitter.com/Veganpancake
Your Dad is the sweetest! Please tell him thank you for his generosity.
It may not be what most people think of "comfort food", but the most comforting meal to me is the avocado-cucumber sushi roll from a local sushi place. Or a meal of rice and beans with chips and salsa.
My favorite comfort food is PIE! I love strawberry, pecan, pumpkin...mm drooling! :)**
Ok, I'm reading in Canada so I know I can't win that awesome cookbook, but I have to confess, my favourite comfort food is a big bowl of oatmeal, soymilk & blackstrap molasses.
It's a tie between peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on toasted wheat bread. Or mashed potatoes!! This book looks rad.
retrochick421 at hotmail dot com
Oooh neat! I think my favorite comfort food is mashed potato pie... Mashed potatoes with lotsa earth balance and peas baked in a pie crust with a little bit of nutritional yeast on top. (With gravy is best!) Soo good.
When I am sick, I want mashed potatoes with the skins still on them. When I am depressed, mashed potatoes with raw garlic in them. When I am starving and only have 20 minutes to cook and serve and clean up, mashed potatoes (that I have frozen from the above two) will tide me over. BTW-If you pick me, I already have the book. In fact I bought two copies because I am giving one to a woman who insists she is a vegetarian but eats chicken. I am gonna send her the book with some premade seitan all spiced up. So pick someone else for the freebie. Sadly, I know no one who cooks anything but warmed up fast food.
Coolest dad ever!
My favorite comfort food is definitely pb&js. They're the perfect snack!
That's so sweet of you dad.
My favorite comfort food is baked potatoes, skin and all.
Come on? Comfort food is synonymous with pizza 100%.
Mine is classic Mac n Cheese, and I also lurrve a good Vegan Alfredo (like the one in vegan yumyum)
This book looks amazing, I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Mine is classic Mac n Cheese, and I also lurrve a good Vegan Alfredo (like the one in vegan yumyum)
This book looks amazing, I'll keep my fingers crossed!
Linked U to facebook, but no twitter unfortch. I'll try my luck, though.
Thank you to you and your dad for the giveaway, Bianca! My comfort food is biscuits and gravy, hands down. Or "graby" as we say in my house.
And I linked back to the contest on my blog, edayem.wordpress.com. Thanks again!
Usually something potato-based, like French fries, or homemade colcannon.
This is an awesome giveaway! My favorite comfort food is definitely mashed potatoes with Earth Balance. so yummy! I would love to have this cookbook to make even more comfort food recipes!
Yay! I want that book!:)
My favorite comfort food has to be vegan enchiladas...I can eat a bunch of them in one sitting and feel all good and fuzzy inside hehehe.
My email is annie229107@hotmail.com
favorite comfort food...linguinin with garlic, oil, and broccoli
susanantoniewicz at hotmail dot com
Comfort food the last few years has been mashed potatoes, cucumber salad w/dill, and coleslaw on the side. Yum. Takes me back to another lifetime....
My favorite comfortfood is a huge bowl of mashpotatoes with vegan butter. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmm. now I want some. :(
My favorite comfort dessert.. bread pudding. yumm.
I like sweets, so my favorite is a big bowl of cereal with vanilla soymilk. It always cheers me up.
Shepherd's pie!
Mashed potatoes, definitely.
Thanks so much to you and your dad for having this giveaway!
I also left a link on my blog!
I facebooked it, too!
Thanks for introducing me to AVK cookbook, plus a chance to win! I'm intrigued by your description of the seitan-makin' process. :)
Aww, your dad is the sweetest!!
My favorite comfort foods are peanut butter, iced tea, and mashed potatoes... not all in one bowl. :P They're all things my grandma used to give me when I didn't feel well, so I'm sure that has something to do with it.
I posted your giveaway on Facebook.
That's so awesome of your dad!
My favorite comfort food are these rolls my mom makes. I could just eat and eat them.
Biscuits and Gravy for sure!
Thanks to Daddy Crunk!
Lately we're under a fair amount of stress, and we're constantly making a new favorite, what we call "vegan french bread pizza": basically whole wheat french bread hollowed out, filled with sauteed tempeh-kale-mushroom in tomato sauce, topped with FYH mozzarella and garlic salt, and toasted/broiled in the oven till melty and crusty. So good.
Hands down, mashed potatoes AND gravy. It was in my pregan days and it still is in my vegan days. I will fight over leftovers no doubt.
I linked to your contest on my Facebook wall. :-)
my favorite comfort food is mac n cheese, hands down. :)
Thanks for the contest! I love grilled cheese sandwiches, but a close second would be nut butter. I think you can transform just about anything--carrots, celery, bananas--into comfort food by slathering it with nut butter.
My favorite comfort food is still a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. It's just the kind of thing I'll never outgrow.
My favorite comfort food has to be mashed potatoes with Punk Rock Chickpea Gravy from Vegan with a Vengeance. Love it!
Definitely a tie between pizza with Daiya and mushrooms, or mashed potatoes with sour cream and chives.
This is an awesome giveaway and really nice of your dad!
My favorite would have to be garlic bread with extra tomato sauce for dipping. I'm new to your blog, and I loove it! Thanks for the vegan inspiration!
I blogged too!
and tweeted haha
Peanut butter quesadilla! A whole wheat tortilla or lavash spread with organic creamy peanut butter, strawberry jam and mashed banana that's been grilled until it's all crispy and warm. MMMMMMM! With a big glass of vanilla almond milk it's soooo good!
I have two favorite comfort foods - one is buttery (Earth Balance) mashed potatoes and gravy, and the other is fried rice with Sriracha sauce. A big bowl of either one makes me feel happy!
My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes!
Mmmmmm. Vegan mac and cheese. I don't have one recipe I use exclusively. That way, every time I see a new recipe it gives me an excuse to make it!
This book is totally #1 on my birthday wish list.
I'm torn between lentil loaf and chik'n fried vegan steaks, both are my wife's recipes and, honestly, meatloaf and chicken fried steak were two of my favorites in my pre-gan days.
I love your blog, Bianca. Honestly it's the only vegan blog that I read every entry.
I'll tweet and facebook it tonite.
The oatmeal-raisin cookies from Veganomicon have gotten my girlfriends and I through many troubled times.
Props to Papa Crunk!
mashed potatoes here. if it's a fancy occasion, they can be wasabi mashed potatoes. MMMMMMMMMMMMM.
yay crunk Dad!!! thank you!!
Can I adopt your dad?
Traditionally grilled cheeze was my comfort food of choice (along with some crispy tender fries of course). The last couple of years I have become a popcorn addict.
Favorite comfort food: Toast with almond butter and bananas, and a cup of coffee to go with it.
Your dad rocks!
My favorite comfort food is "Mac N Nooch" followed by Chocolate Tofu Mousse Pie and pretty much anything with peanut butter in it.
I'd LOVE to win this book!!
I blogged about your giveaway here: http://theradioactivegan.blogspot.com/2010/04/and-then-professor-and-i-made-coconut.html
Your dad is the most generous blogger dad I've heard of!
I love mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, and sweet potato pie!
My favorite comfort food is hands down faux mac & cheeze! However, lately vegetarian Pho has been coming in close second....
I blogged about it!
Here's the link...
I Tweetered it!
Wow, that was so cool of your dad to do that!
It would be hard for me to pick one comfort food. I was raised by a southern farmer's daughter. But I love homemade mac 'n cheese(now veganized), veggie "ribs", and grits!
AND I Facebooked it!
Oooooh, I hope I win!!
I love a simple mac 'n cheeze; made with cashew butter, parma and fresh herbs.
that goulash looks mouth watering. i am literally drowing in a sea of drool.
All food is comfort in my book! My favorites, though, would have to be homefries, baked tofu, and cheezy sauce (with lots and lots of nooch.)
Oh, and I tweeted it! http://twitter.com/evilolive/status/12464295589
oh! my fav comfort food is beets and potatoes with olive oil and lemon juice. mmm
My favorite comfort food is cinnamon toast. Nothing makes me feel more secure and happy than curling up on the couch with my dogs, munching on cinnamon toast fresh out of the oven. :)
Wow, your dad is the BEST!
My faves are definitely pancakes and mac 'n cheese.
Mac and cheese still is a favorite. And grilled cheese. (All vegan, of course.) It's not something I eat often, but sometimes it really hits the spot.
pythoness {at} gmail {dot} com
Ok, my favorite comfort food is so simple and unhealthy that it's embarrassing -- warm, soft, fresh-out-of-the-oven white bread with Smart Balance vegan margarine. =\ I know. Totally lame, but I can't get enough of it!!
I posted links on both my twitter and facebook pages!
Whoa! Amazing! My fave comfort foods are definitely mashed potatoes and gravy, and mac & cheeze. :)
My favorite comfort food is the Potato! HAHA! look i even capitalized it : ) My email is vblessing@gmail.com Everything looks SO good!
That was so nice of your dad to offer to do that for you :) My favorite comfort food? I plain ol banana with tahini! Weird but so good!
I blogged too!
My favourite comfort food is veganized poutine (french fries topped with cheeze and piping hot gravy) - Daiya has changed my life!
My favorite comfort food: TOFU!!!
That or vegan snack cakes!!! Any kind. Love me some cake! Yum!
My fave breakfast comfort food is pancakes, but for evening time, I really love mashed potatoes!
jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com
Mmmmmmmm, mashed potatoes.
Oh, and lentils & rice.
I posted to Twitter!
I also posted to Facebook!
so awesome of you to host such a wonderful give-away and so cool of your dad to sponser it. doublew00t! :) i never made my own seitain before going gluten-free and actually, i had only had it once before - i kinda wish i had enjoyed more of it. when i get Tami's book (fingers crossed for a win or i'll fo 'sho be asking for it for my birthday) i'm gonna have to make her goulash with kraut over parsleyed noodles with some tempeh. i loooooove anything with kraut and then ya go and add in pasta - score!!!
oh yeah, and for the contest: my favorite comfort food of all time would be the tuna casserole my mom used to make. i veganized the recipe about a year ago and i'm soooo happy i did! it was my fav as a child and it's still my favorite now. makes me smile and feel all warm just thinking about it.
thanks again for the give-away, Bianca (and i'm gonna have to pick up some of those Gardein products for dan to try - your review had me drooling!)!
My favorite comfort food hands down is Vegan Chicken & Dumplings!
I've heard so much about this book!
My favorite comfort food is chocolate chip cookies with tea and coconut milk.
anything with pasta and cheese is the way to my heart! i have been experimenting for the last 9mo though in an effort to completely cut cheese out so this book would go well used in our household. what a great giveaway!
Wow your dad is so sweet! :D
My fave comfort food is probably oven baked french fries with ketchup. lol. :P
My favorite comfort food is definitely mac n'cheese! I finally created my own homemade recipe that is quick, easy and delicious.
Pizza and chocolate chip cookies...my fave since elementary school!! :)
While I love to experiment with all kinds of food, nothing beats a hot bowl of Malt-o-meal for ultimate comfort. PS-what a great dad you have!
Ooh! Ooh! I wanna win! Pick me! Pick me, random number picker! hah! Umm....favorite comfort food would have to be noodle dishes of any variety. If it's veggie and atop a bed of noodles, I'm there!
I posted on facebook too! Oh and I can't believe I forgot to write about NACHOS. NACHOS are definitely one of my all-time favorite comfort foods!
Vegan Alfredo with faux chicken, broccoli, mushrooms and onions mmmmmmmmm i'm drooling just thinking about it
Definitely pasta! Especially creamy pasta. Yum.
My favorite comfort food is slow-cooker beans and brown rice. I feel comforted knowing that this costs only a few pennies!
Oh yeah, I also posted to Facebook.
My favorite comfort food is oatmeal, hands down. I grew up eating it for breakfast everyday, and even as an adult, it's hard to go a day without consuming cooked oats. I'll eat oatmeal plain, and often I'll spruce my bowl up with nut butter or fruits.
Linked to you on my blog!
I think my favorite comfort food would have to be peanut butter and jelly with iced tea (a must) or scrambled tofu because of the tasty ease factor.
want! :)
My comfort food is oatmeal with peanut butter and jelly. So good! Another one is roasted sweet potatoes with garam masala. And I eat those every day. :)
But I have to admit, that recipe sounds so amazingly good that it could be a contender.
Homemade chili is my comfort food! I love throwing every bean in the cabinet into the crock pot! I would love this cookbook!
My fave comfort food is GRAVY!
facebooked it!!!
Twweeeeted it too!
Once again, your dad rocks. Are you sure you don't need an adopted sister? Hee hee. One of my favorite comfort foods is biscuits with vegan sausage and cream gravy. Yum, gravy!
hey love!!!! my favorite comfort food has got to be jamaican style curry tofu chunks. rice and peas & plantians. This meal makes me feel like i am back home in Jamaica.The seasoning are mouth watering and it was so easy for me to transition over to a vegan diet with comforting meals like this that remind me of home.I would love to own this book since i dont own a cook book. I usually eat out alot. It would mean the world to me. thank you. your blog rox my sox!!! rebelsoulkid@aol.com
comfort food = mashed potatoes and gravyyyyy!
Mmmm...comfort food. Pot pie!! :-) Or stroganoff.
Thanks to your daddy for thinking of us!
I linked back to this post from my blog (where I already link to your blog!). Please enter me a second time! Thanks again.
Definitely tater tots and some greasy vegan pizza!!
Great giveaway!
My favorite comfort food is guacamole bean dip. Yum.
And peanut butter on Ezekiel english muffins. I love peanut butter.
I linked back to your blog too!
My favorite comfort food used to be poutine, now it's mac & cheeze.
My favorite comfort food used to be poutine, now it's mac & cheeze.
might sound weird but stir fried udon noodles and cabbage. ooh, and carrot cake cupcakes from vegan cupcakes take over the world.
Ice cream is my number one comfort food. Thank goodness for coconut milk and hemp milk ice cream!
Anything from shepherd's pie to homemade popcorn drizzled with garlic oil
Wait, cinnamon toast too!
I have had a lot of comfort foods over the years, but my go to dish these days is a vegan Chili Mac recipe that I got from Susan at Fat Free Vegan. It is sooooo yummy. I am keeping my fingers - and my toes - crossed for this awesome cookbook. I don't comment often, but just love your blog.
My favorite comfort food is tomato soup with mashed potatoes (together in the same bowl). It may sound strange but I assure you it is amazing and oh-so-comforting!
My comfort food is a nice brown miso soup. Good for what ails you!
How awesome!!
My favorite "comfort food" is...... anything deep-fried. (And yes, you can deep fry a WHOLE LOT of vegan foods...*sigh*)
OK, I posted on FaceBook....... (yes, I'd really like this cookbok!)
My favorite comfort food is Spaghetti with Marinara sauce.
Oh! And I tweeted. @Tofu_Mom
Oops! Didn't mean to leave comment as "anonymous"!!
My comfort food is Spaghetti with Marinara Sauce.. YUMMY!
Aw, what an awesome dad you have! So sweet. :)
My favorite comfort food... man. Honestly, it's any sort of curry-based meal. I don't know why, because I didn't grow up with curries at all. But there it is!
Seriously, coolest daddy-o ever! Comfort food always entails some mashed potatoes, anything else is just extra! Would love to try out some of these recipes, thanks for the giveaway!
Also linked to this on my blog :)
Mac & Cheeze is definitely my favorite. Carby, creamy goodness. Followed, oddly, by toast and EB. Two different kinds of comfort food though!
Your dad is awesome! Hmm... I love comfort food, so it's hard to choose. Probably a toss up between mac 'n cheez or mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy.
I'm definitely ordering this book even if i don't win--looks amazing!
Your dad's so cute! My fav comfort food is probably mashed sweet potatoes..although it used to be cheese quesadillas. Maybe now I can say Daiya quesadillas.
Tweet tweet!
I haven't had one in the longest time- but potato pancakes are my favorite- made with left over mashed potatoes.mmmm...
Dark Chocolate grain sweetened chocolate chips, straight from the freezer (in large amounts)
My favorite comfort food is probably vegan lasagna with homemade succo.
mac and cheese comforts me to no end. also, mashed potatoes and gravy. thanks for doing a giveaway!
Another vote for Mac n' Chez--the ultimate comfort food!
Vegan comfort food sounds like my kind of cooking! It's great your dad is doing this!
I don't eat enough comfort food as of lately but my favorite place would be Soul Vegetarian in Atlanta. The vegan mac & cheese... oh lord.
my ultimate comfort food would have to be mac n cheese with peas mixed in and chips crumbled on top and baked. mmmmm, childhood!! =] thanks for doing this giveaway!
i also tweeted about this giveaway! fingers crossed!
My comfort food is pancakes or waffles with maple syrup and berries with hot chocolate on the side!
Favorite comfort food... Well I have two - mac n cheese w/ broccoli and mashed potatoes! yuuuuuuum just thinking about this is making me hungry :)
ps - also sent out the link on my Facebook!
My favorite comfort food is mac and cheeze!
oooooooh! I'm so glad I read your blog in time to enter this contest! I've definitely got my eyes on that book - I've heard a lot of really great things about it. Your dad is so sweet!
but then I forgot to mention my favorite comfort food... BREAD!!!! I love bread. love love love. Especially Sourdough Bread. ahhhh. Just thinking about it makes me swoon.
I love black bean chili and cornbread!
And I linked to the contest on facebook...
My favorite comfort food is anything with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Usually oatmeal, sometimes a slice of bread, or homemade banana soft serve. Thanks for the contest :)
My fave comfort food is fried potatoes. Just blogged it the other day. LOL
Your dad is so sweet!
My favorite comfort food is a steam bowl of chili with toasted crusty bread. YUM!
What a sweet dad you have!
You know what I've been to NY years ago but it was only for a weekend and you know what? I never thought about bagels.
My favorite comfort food is a big bowl of mushroom risoto and a glass of red wine.
I just twittered about this!
Brownies, straight up. Gooey, chocolatey, sweet brownies.
Gosh, it's such a tossup between mac and cheese and mashed potatoes... And both at the same time on Thanksgiving! Thanks to your dad for the chance to win an awesome cookbook. Love your blog!
I linked to your giveaway post of Facebook!
I have to say sweet potatoes...nothing beats them ever, especially if you throw some pecans in the pot
Wow--your father sounds like SUCH an amazingly generous kind man! Thank you Mr. Crunk, lol :-)
My fav comfort food is mashed potatoes swimming in gravy...yummm. Actually, it is really just the gravy (I swear I would just drink it if it were socially acceptable), but you need a vehicle to get it in your tummy, and mashed potatoes are really good too :-)
I LOVE mac and (vegan) cheese!
mashed potatoes with gravy definitely
My favorite comfort food is mashed potatoes with peas or barbecue sauce. Yum! Thanks to your Daddy for sponsoring an awesome giveaway!
To me, comfort food is thick and hearty, like stew, and I absolutely love my Great Northern bean and kale stew. Served up with some garlic croutons and green onions it's freaking amazing!
I'm also fond of good ol' Midwestern apple crisp and (r)ice cream. :)
And ... I linked to you on my blog. I have referred to you more than once, I'll admit it.
wow, that is so nice of your dad!my favorite comfort food is definitely the potato- sweet or regular old potatoes-in pretty much any form.. mashed, roasted, baked, or fried! With their appropriate accompaniments- ketchup, earth balance, hummus, coconut oil..oh yum.
I've been having a baked yam covered in nooch, then hummus, then salsa lately..
narrowmyeyes at yahoodotcom
I can't wait for your cookbook Bianca - those cookies look wonderful!!!
My favorite comfort food... Hmmm... I'm a big fan of peanut butter on toast. Simple, but yummy!
Your dad is really sweet for offering such a great giveaway!
Love your blog and yes, we should all have a dad like yours.
Favorite comfort food hands down, mashed potato enchiladas. Mmmm mmm.
My favorite comfort food is grilled "cheese" served with french fries and lots of ketchup. Pizza is a close second though!
My favorite comfort food is Spicy Tortilla Soup with Avocado and Seitan. Drool!
sweet potato casserole! southern style, with pecans. hands down!
Comfort food: split a banana lengthwise, make a sandwich with peanut butter and a ripped-up date. So much yum. :)
Very favorite: big ol' gooey grilled (non)cheese.
A close second, when no good uncheese is at hand: just a big thick slice of fluffy bread smeared with butter. So terrible for the body. So good for the soul.
Vegan comfort food... I'd have to say pizza. Follow Your Heart is fab and my non-vegan husband requests non-dairy pizzas often. Works for me!
Thanks Papa Crunk!!
I think my favorite comfort food would have to be Indian Food, particularly chana masala with a piece of roti for dipping, gets me everytime!
Excellent giveaway, I have only been hearing good things about this book. I have wanted a copy ever since you first posted about it. The ultimate comfort food for me is pizza, but I also find dessert (too) comforting. Let's just say that since I gave up dairy I have taken up a lot more baking at home! :)
Tweeted this!
Thank you to you and your dad! my favorite comfort food is a tie between mashed potatoes and spud puppies covered in hot sauce
This book sounds really good! For favorite comfort food, I'd say pizza and ice cream (with coconut milk!).
easy! lasagna, of course! btw, your dad is awesome. i wished my dad loved me...i mean wants to share the joys of veganism! (jk of course, love ya dad! =])
Your dad is awesome! What a great idea for a giveaway.
My favorite comfort food is probably soup. I haven't been cooking much lately, but soup is so easy to make and it's not any more effort to make a ton so that you have leftovers for days and days. I guess it's my recent laziness that makes me enjoy soup so much. :)
Blogged about it here:
Posted on FB too!
Wow! What a supportive and generous father!
My comfort food is pesto pasta. I never tire of it.
I forgot to give the link to my twitter page. Would love to win the book!
You have an awesome dad!!!!
Comfort food = a big mess of greens!! Love kale, collards, etc. sauteed with garlic and a little tamari. Yum!!!
I juuuust put a link on my facebook for this giveaway :D
Hi. Just discovered your blog today. My favorite comfort food is also one that I don't get very often: Vegan Semita. For those of you who've never had it, Semita is a Central-American Pastry with a warm pineapple filling and a cinnamon/sugar covered pie-like crust. When I went Vegan, My Mom was heartbroken as most Latin women would be upon finding out that her son would no longer be able to eat all the foods she used to fix him. But, luckily, my mom has also always been into cooking new foods and adapting traditional foods, so what was initially sadness turned into excitement, and eveytime I came home, she had a new Vegan dish for me to try the greatest of which was Vegan Semita which she had adapted from my late grandmother's recipe and actually ending up liking more than the original.
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