
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pizza Bianca with Olive Salad!

Growing up, Pizza Bianca was always my fave, for obvious reasons. Who doesn't love a food that's named after them? Okay, well maybe Pizza Bianca came before me. But whatevs. I choose to believe I came first.

Anyway, I can still have Pizza Bianca — white cheese pizza with no red sauce — thanks to delicious, melty Daiya mozzerella. I took a cue from Kittee of Cake Maker to the Stars and added some Boscoli olive salad (picked up last October in New Orleans):

Best pizza ever! I really do love sauce-less pizza the most, and I swear it's not just because of the name.


  1. I LOVE pizza. That's one thing I hugely miss since being vegan and gluten-free (have found gluten-free pizzas in the past but never vegan as well). xxx

  2. I have never heard of Pizza Bianca but it looks DELICIOUS! I am not a huge fan of tomato based sauces, so this would be a dream come true for me. I am desperate to try Daiya Cheese, I've heard it is wonderful.

  3. Pizza Bianca was always my favorite too. Everyone just called it "white pizza" where I grew up though. This pizza place I used to go to added little bits of chopped broccoli to their white pizza. It was awesome.

  4. That looks delicious! But I am still a sauce girl for the most part ;-)

  5. Yum- everything is better with olive mix!!

  6. That looks awesome- I never knew white pizza's proper name is Bianca! I am also desperate to try Daiya. I tried to order some off Vegan Essentials, but the cost of shipping was out of control. Someday! Someday!

  7. pizza Bianca sounds awesome! i've never had a sauceless pizza and now i'm gonna have to make my next one this way. it looks great, sounds rock'n, and i looooove that you used daiya - it's so yummers!

    oh, and i made those cowboy cookies for my coworkers and the guys at dan's firestation, Bianca - they were awesome! you were right on the pecans 'n coconut being so good, and the brown sugar was a nice touch. i don't think i would have tried them because i thought "this recipe has a lot going on", but after your post about 'em i changed my mine. thanks so much!

  8. Just go to say I LOVE the title of your blog.

  9. Your Whole Foods may suck, but at least you have Daiya. We still don't have it in Virginia;-(

  10. I'm also into sauceless pizza lately. I wish there was a pizza with my name, but I will be happy to try your namesake anyways! :P

  11. Sweet bejeezus, the pizza looks incredible! I'm not a big tomato sauce person, but like most posters here I've never heard white pizza referred to as "Bianca." And the olive salad...? Wow. CHEERS

  12. I have been staring at this pizza for a few days meaning to comment on how delicious it looks! Really, olives on pizza is pretty much my favorite.

  13. I love Pizza Bianca, and I always have! This is a wonderful recipe!

  14. ahh I'm not a huge sauce fan, either! Love pizza, though.

  15. I'm a big red sauce on pizza fan myself, but every once in a while you need a change. Your pizza looks like the best way to break the mold!


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