
Monday, January 4, 2010

Smoothies Vs. Solid Foods

I'd intended to start my days on the ACT cleanse (see yesterday's post for details if ya missed it) with a glass of fresh green juice followed by a thicker green smoothie. I figured the smoothie would be enough to get me through until lunch.

I skipped the smoothie course on day one, but on day two, I enjoyed this Avocado Green Smoothie after my yummy green juice.

I followed the 3:1 veggies to fruit ratio on the Crazy Sexy Life website and used a cucumber, apple, avocado, and some romaine lettuce. It was tasty, thanks to the avocado and the apple, but I missed the pleasure of chewing my food. After drinking a big ole' green juice, I wasn't thrilled about more drinking.

The next day, I made a tastier Banana Almond Green Smoothie:

It consisted of a frozen banana, raw almond butter, kale, and an Amazing Grass SuperFood powder. Very tasty indeed. But I still felt like I was missing something. I really enjoy my sit-down time at breakfast. So I decided to forgo the daily smoothie in place a more substantive raw breakfast.

I'm starting with this Raw Apple Zucchini Bread from Living in the Raw Gourmet by Rose Lee Calabro:

Yum, yum! It may not look very sexy, but this stuff is deeee-licious. I made it in my dehydrator with a mixture of zucchini, apples, raisins, cinnamon, and golden flaxseed. The outside is firm, and the inside is all soft and chewy — not like real bread of course, but still delicious. Here's a slice shot. I ate about five slices like this:

So although I may begin some of my cleanse days with smoothies (probably on the weekends) and I'll certainly have them as snacks (that's how I've always enjoyed them), I'll stick with a good solid raw breakfast with my green juice on weekdays. I enjoy sitting at my kitchen table and reading a magazine (usually VegNews or Rolling Stone) while I eat breakfast, and I can continue this tradition with my raw bread.


  1. that raw apple zucchini bread makes me want to run out and get a dehydrator!

  2. I nominated you for an award!
    Go to my blog for details.

  3. I think I would miss chewing food too. BUT, you did inspire me to drink more green juices! I went shopping today, and while at the store I bought cucumbers, spinach (Kroger didn't have kale - what?!), green apples and celery. I can't wait to bust out the juicer tomorrow!

  4. I have the Tree Hugger plates (and cups and tote), too! After all, my blog is called Hugger Food. ;)

    Excellent job listening to your body regarding the cleanse. I've been doing the same!

  5. Your smoothies looks fantastic, so creamy! And that bread, WOW! It looks stunning and super tasty. I love the way you describe it.

    I'm usually happy with a smoothie for breakfast, but you are definitely right: there are some days when only something more 'chewy' will do!

  6. I know what you mean, I had days when I did the cleanse that I got sick of drinking breakfast. But I would drink my juice at home then take my smoothie to work and it didn't so crap that way!

    My juicer has been relegated to the cupboard, maybe I should dig him out again!

  7. I guess during the winter is also a tough time to start with morning smoothies. But I'm sure you'll get used to the lighter breakfasts after a while. And meanwhile, love that awesome glass!

  8. Boy do I wish I had a dehydrator, that raw bread looks so good. Kinda looks like a big lara bar.

  9. On my ACT/Eat To Live hybrid I have been eating canteloupe, grapes, a banana, and sometimes an apple for breakfast. When I can't handle fruit and want "real" food, sprouted grain bread has been awesome! Ezekiel makes a sprouted grain raisin bread that is really yummy for breakfast!

  10. funny you mention missing chewing food..I have that same feeling today...but am on the other side of that fence...

  11. Holy awesomness. That bread looks incredible- must get dehydrator... today!!

  12. This is so exciting what you're doing, I'm going to read over the website again and see if this is something I could handle. Those bars looks yummy. Good luck :)

  13. I prefer chewing my meals too. I am on a 7-day detox of only raw fruits and veggies. Kind of tough, but I'm losing my sweets cravings. I admire you for a month long cleanse!

  14. Awesome plate and glasses. ;) And, delicious way to start your day!


  15. i hear ya on feeling like you're missing something when you're not chewing and really sitting down to your breakfast. by the end of week one i was feeling the same way. i love your idea to use the smoothies as snacks, and both your avocado smoothie and the banana one look super stellar (and sound gloriously good!)! the raw apple zucchini bread looks great to me, Bianca - i love that plate!

  16. So, I've been lurking here foreva. I finally got my vegan blog started, and wanted to say thanks for being such an inspiration!

  17. From the pic of the slice, you can't even tell that bread is raw! i need to get a dehydrator ASAP!

  18. I'm going to try the zucchini bread this week! Looks like a sweet and hearty meal--great for January.


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