I had red wine, a delicious chocolate cupcake, and wheat gluten (in the form of bread and pie crust) last night. Oh, and I had a cup of coffee yesterday morning. I kinda had to cheat on my
Adventure Cleanse Tune-Up since Saturday was my best friend Greg's 30th birthday. I threw the party and there was no way I was going to let Stephanie's chocolate cupcakes pass me by. And then I figured that since I was cheating with sugar, I might as well go all the way and cheat with everything.
And since there were leftover cupcakes when I woke up this morning, I decided to cheat again today. I had more coffee and a leftover cupcake, and then I said, "to hell with this cleanse." Yep, I quit. I only had three days left anyway. But I was growing quite weary of restrictions. I'll do a big post tomorrow on how the cleanse made me feel and what I hope to take away from it.
For now though, I'll share some cheater pics. Greg doesn't like cake because he's obviously crazy. He requested a birthday quiche instead. I made the
Caramelized Onion Quiche from
Vegan Brunch:

Stephanie's (Poopie Bitch) birthday is the 28th (she'll turn 29), so she blew out a candle on her AMAZING chocolate cupcakes with the world's best chocolate ganache.
Stephanie, my friend Sheila, and I rolled
brown rice tofu veggie sushi for the party:

The rest of the spread included injera, hummus, tabbouleh, and noochy fondue with bread, fried tofu and cauliflower for dippin:

Steph's husband snapped a few shots of my cheater moment:

I gotta tell ya, cheatin' felt so good. Twenty-two days is a LONG time to go without sugar. This cupcake moment was among the best moments of my life ... for real.
Oh, and we have a winner in the $50 iHerb.com shopping spree contest! Belle of
Off-beat Belle was picked using a random number generator. Yea Belle!
i say, if you're gonna cheat - you better do it right & do it to it! looks like you did, Bianca - and i think that rocks! 22 days without sugar or coffee is a suuuuuuper long time - i think it's awesome that you kicked ass on the ACT Cleanse for those 22 days! hooray for birthday celebrations, wine, quiche, sushis, and fun times with friends! :)
If you enjoyed yourself and it was worth it, it's okay that you cheated! I still say the cleanse was a big success since you lasted almost the entire month. Good job! I think it's really funny that Greg wanted a birthday quiche instead of a cake. That's so...strange, lol.
Oh man, I totally believe if you're going to be bad, you gotta be bad all the way! Congrats on going as long as you did-you're still an inspiration! :)
I'm inspired by the fact that you were able to accomplish what you did with your Adventure Cleanse Tune-Up.
I would hardly be able to resist those cupcakes myself!
no kidding--22 days of cleanse is a milestone in itself. you did great! (certainly better than the one time I tried a cleanse--I broke after five days!) also, birthday quiche: hooray!
If you're gonna cheat you might as well go all the way! You made it 22 days! That is a very very long time, I couldn't have made it two days. All the birthday food looks so tasty, and the sushi is freakin' perfect! Greg doesn't like cake? Whoa.
Congrats to Belle! *jealous*
It all looks delish!
Debra @ Vegan Family Style
This is why I need to get more Vegan friends. I wish my birthdays would include such a delicious and varied menu!
I'm just not sure life is worth living without sugar. Reduce, sure, but cut it out entirely? Not sure I could do it either. (And you're talking to someone with a mouth full of cavities.)
Meanwhile, that sushi looks amazing!
There is no such thing as cheat! Glad you went all the way and enjoyed you friends birthday, cause that is just the friendly thing to do. LOL! The food looked so good too. I started my cleanse today and was offered a peanut butter cookie. I ate it. SO WHAT! Heaven and hell...I don't think so. Thanks so much for blogging.
There is no such thing as cheat! Glad you went all the way and enjoyed you friends birthday, cause that is just the friendly thing to do. LOL! The food looked so good too. I started my cleanse today and was offered a peanut butter cookie. I ate it. SO WHAT! Heaven and hell...I don't think so. Thanks so much for blogging.
There is no such thing as cheat! Glad you went all the way and enjoyed you friends birthday, cause that is just the friendly thing to do. LOL! The food looked so good too. I started my cleanse today and was offered a peanut butter cookie. I ate it. SO WHAT! Heaven and hell...I don't think so. Thanks so much for blogging.
Three days left is nothin'. As long as you feel okay about quitting early, who cares? You did great with the cleanse & I'm excited to hear what you took away from it.
Oh, and that last comment was from me! I was signed in on a different account. :)
yumm..at least you cheated with a chocolate cupcake, :)
restrictions suck..but be proud that you lasted that long!! how awesome! :)
I would have cheated too. :)
I'm really curious to hear about your ACT experience as I'm planning to do one for myself in the near future. Looks like you cheated in style!
22 days without sugar!! Wow! I don't think I could do it! It seems like you cheated with the best possible food choices. CUPCAKES!
Hey, you're awesome for doing it as long as you did! I don't think I could make it half that long. Congrats to you, even if you were three days short!
Good job on your cleanse, Bianca! Don't beat yourself up about ditching the last three days. Your effort was amazing! And I'll bet your body really appreciated the rest.
I love your blog!
And even though I wish it was me, I am very happy for the iHerb winner. Congrats! :)
Can't wait to read your write-up on the cleanse. Who can blame you for cheating though? Those cupcakes look amazing.
Way to go for lasting so long! That's a big accomplishment!
22 days is awesome! I can imagine how good that cupcake tasted. I always crave chocolate cake with fudgy frosting.
Those sushi rolls look spectacular!
twenty two days is still such a long time you did awesome! It was a special occasion after all, your friend only turns 30 once =)
Naughty naughty! haha. My husband's birthday is the same day as Steph's, same age too!
you look so cute with that little cupcake! :)
bianca, do you know how the injera was made? i've been planning to make a full blown ethiopian meal soon but the internet has so many different methods of making injera. the simplest one i found was just letting the teff flour ferment in water for a couple days. do you have any idea if it's really that simple?
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