As my first taste from Go Dairy Free, I chose to make the Thai Chick-Un Pizza:
This hearty, exotic pizza features a spicy peanut sauce in lieu of traditional tomato sauce. Smushed garbanzos, red bell pepper, pineapple chunks, green onion, and mung bean sprouts (that I sprouted myself!) top the rich sauce. And of course, I liberally applied a dose of sr

The Thai Chick-Un Pizza is just one of many delicious dairy-free recipes in Alisa's book. Besides delicious entrees, Alisa includes recipes for sweetened condensed "milk," sliceable Swiss-style cheese, and homemade coconut butter. And she includes a wealth of information on the reasons and health benefits of going dairy-free.
Her book is so worth checking out! Even though, I started with an entree, I can see this book becoming a resource for information on how to make my own vegan cheese and milk substitutes. Even non-vegan lactose-intolerant folks would gain loads of info from Alisa's book.
I don't have Go Dairy Free, but I do have all of Dreena Burton's books and they are fantastic! I think you'd like them, too. That pizza has been high on my list of recipes to try for some time, but I haven't gotten there yet.
I love "my sweet vegan".
That looks great. There are so many ways to be creative with dairy free pizza. I need to check that book out.
Have you read the book "the Conscious Kitchen"? It's pretty good, by tal ronnen, a vegan chef.
Isn't pizza awesome? You can change it up a million different ways, it never gets old! Thai pizza sounds fantastic, it looks so colorful and beautiful.
oooh, i love dreena's thai pizza, so i know we'd love alisa's, too. it looks super stellar, Bianca - and i love that her book has so much to offer. making my own cheezes at home would be the best! and the next chace you get you should pick up dreena's cookbook - it rocks some serious socks (and she posts a lot of her recipes here on her blog, too:!
I loveee the Thai pizza from Dreena's book. I could swim in that sauce
Have you heard of a book called "The Vegetarian Meat & Potatoes Cookbook?" It sounds up your ally :)
That looks really really good!!!
You lucky cookbook-reviewin' fool! My cookbook collection isn't very big, but I do have Eat, Drink & Be Vegan and I love it! You would definitely love it too, it's full of awesome recipes made with wholesome ingredients.
I've got to get a copy of that book! That sounds like a pizza I would love (our homemade vegan pizza is much more conventional). We sprouted some mung beans in the past and didn't know what to do with them! I never thought to add them to pizza!
Eat Drink and Be Vegan is on my cookbook shopping list too - I love that pizza! I'd never thought of peanut sauce on pizza, but it looks great.
Coconut butter? That sounds delicious! And peanut sauce instead of tomato sauce is an awesome idea. I'm trying not to buy any more vegan cookbooks (since I usually end up cooking recipes I found online anyway :-P), but I might have to check that one out.
Oooh I've heard loads of great things about that pizza too, it looks delicious.
I bet that my hubby would love this.
That is the most beautiful pizza I've ever seen...this coming from a gal who has made it known that if I were ever in a "last meal" situation, I'd request cheese pizza.
I'll have to check out that book. I did get "The Kind Diet" for Christmas, though, so I may have to wait a bit.
Do you buy your sprout seeds locally? I'm new in Memphis and been looking for such a place. Love your blog!!
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