
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Vegan Mofo: Isa's Helping Hand

Before going vegan in '04, I subsisted mostly on packaged, processed crap. I was vegetarian, but that didn't stop me from buying boxes and boxes of macaroni and cheese, packaged rice mixes, and even Hamburger Helper. I'd add ground veggie burger in place of the ground beef for a quick (and cheap) week night meal. Even though I'm sure it was loaded with hydrogenated oils (I didn't even know what that was back then), white flour pasta, and tons of ingredients I can't even pronounce, I remember it tasting pretty damn good.

So when I saw Isa's Tempeh Helper on the Show Us Your Mitts PPK blog, I knew I HAD to make it:

Isa subs crumbled tempeh for the ground burger, quinoa pasta for the seminola-laden stuff, and even tops the dish with a noochy sauce. Remember how some of the Hamburger Helper flavors came with a package of cheese topping powder? The cheeze sauce — which was just your basic nooch, flour, garlic powder, water deal — really made me feel like I was eating the boxed stuff I used to love.

And much like Hamburger Helper, Isa's version (recipe is here) came together in less than 30 minutes. Perfect for a quick weeknight meal.


  1. Oh my! That looks so perfect. Quick tasty and delicious? I think I have to make this!162

  2. That looks awesome, I've been meaning to try this recipe for ages!

  3. I've been carrying this recipe around in my satchel since Isa posted it - meaning to try it. I have to hurry up!

  4. Looks awesome. I didn't see this recipe until now so thanks for posting!

  5. Wow. Yours looks SO much more delicious than Isa's! Now I want to make that!

  6. I saw sounds super yummy. At the same time though, I've never had the regular hamburger helper, so I don't think it'd conjure up any memories.

  7. Oh, I always love that cheeseburger macaroni back in the day!

  8. Looks like something my kiddos would love- thanks for sharing!

  9. When I was a vegetarian I LIVED off of Hamburger Helper...and Betty Crocker instant scalloped potatoes! (no wonder I was heavier and unhealthy!)....I'll have to give this a looks delicious!

  10. we never had hamburger helper growing up - nor did i have it when i went veggie (what was wrong with me - it sounds like something i would have puffy hearted the most!), but my mother made the most delicious tuna casserole when i was wee - and it sounds similar. her casserole one of my favorite dishes! isa’s tempeh helper looks comforting and most delicious, Bianca – i’m fo ‘sho gonna have to give it a whirl! hooray!

  11. Oh yum, I reallllllly wanna make that! I never had hamburger helper though in my life, thank god haha

  12. That sounds a lot like me...... I just didn't realize what that "bad" stuff was. Glad you found a great HH replacement!! :D

  13. I haven't had Hamburger Helper since I was a little kid, but I remember liking it. I may have to try Isa's recipe sometime for a little nostalgia.

  14. Looks so so tasty


  15. ooh that sounds awesome, i'm going to have to give it a try.

  16. Looks great! I was a total junk-food vegan/vegetarian for years too.

  17. Oh man, I totally need to make that. It looks so tasty.

  18. I've never had hamburger helper, but tempeh helper sounds really tasty and comforting.


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