
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bake It Again

It seems like over a year ago that I first developed the Twice Baked Tater recipe for my cookbook. But for some reason, I'm just now getting around to testing it for the second time.

After trying the taters again on Monday, I'm not sure why I waited so long. This one's a real winner. I'm proud of it. Last time, I topped the taters with vegan cheeze, but I opted to try these guys without it this time since faux cheeze is always an optional ingredient in my recipes. Some folks just don't like it, and others can't afford it or don't have access. These twice-baked potatoes were just fine without the cheeze, though it does look pretty when it gets all melty on top.

For protein, I tried these cute little Satay Chicken-Style Veaty Bites:

They're little meat-like chunks of soy protein on a stick. I found them in the freezer section of the Winchester Farmers Market (a gigantuan Asian/Mexican market in Memphis).

I'd never had Veat before, but these were very tasty. They had just the right amount of chewiness without too much of a meaty mouthfeel (I love that word!). I dipped them in extra vegan satay sauce that I picked at the same market. Quick, delicious, convenient! Since the bites come three to a stick, they'd be perfect for entertaining.


  1. It is really thoughtful of you to make the vegan cheese an option in your recipes. We can't find it over here very often, so it is really great that your recipes don't rely on it. Those potatoes look delicious, can't wait for the recipe.

    And wow! Those satay sticks look AMAZING!

  2. ahhh! veat reminds me of veet, the hair removal cream! sorry, they look good though! hahah

    twice baked taters are so fun. they look adorable!

  3. Andy and I love twice baked potatoes and we NEVER have soy cheese so when I'm following recipes we just sort of... leave it out. Can't wait to see your recipe for them!

  4. I LOOVE Twice Baked Potatoes! I make them all the time around the holidays =)

  5. I completely agree with TVV - I have not been able to find vegan cheese over here in Switzerland. I am looking forward to the recipe for those scrumptious looking taters.

    ps - I love your blog!

  6. Baked potatoes are in my top ten, I like 'em with Earth Balance, a little salt, pepper, steamed broccoli & grilled onions, the best!
    I've seen Veaty plenty of times, but never knew anyone who tried it - I always liked satay as a pregan, now I'm gonna try this!

  7. I love twice baked potatoes and I could definitely go without the cheese.

  8. Do you eat the skin of those "taters?" I LOVE potato skins dipped in ketchup! Now I'm craving it after seeing those pics! Also, I am one of those fake cheese haters. I just haven't found a brand I can take. No worries though! :)

  9. I've heard of veat but have never tried it. DO you think it would go over well with the carnivores?

    Twice baked taters...yum.

  10. What's not to love about potatoes? I used to make a recipe for twice-baked potato skins that was really good! You bake the potatoes, scoop out the flesh, and cut them in thirds. Then you dip them in olive oil and sprinkle a spice mix on them and bake 'em up. They were delicious. Thanks for reminding me about them, I'll have to make them again! Can't wait for your cookbook to be able to try all your awesome recipes :)

  11. Thanks for your sweet Words Bianca!!!!
    I've never had a twice baked tater before (gasp) I know. but yours look amazing!

  12. I just made twice baked potatoes for the first time in years last weekend! Delicious!

  13. The taters look yummy! You know, I don't think I ever made my own twice baked potatoes.

    I am not sure what category I fall into when it comes to vegan cheeze. I've only tried it a few times and it was just so-so. It never melted through :(

  14. Twice-baked potatoes are awesome, but haven't made any in ages. These look great. I've never tried satay, though it sounds delicious, and I've had a jar of satay sauce on my shelf for months. Never tried veat either, but it sounds really good.

  15. those look so great. is midnight and it u have me super hungry can't wait for this recipe.

  16. i love the word mouthfeel, too! used it the other day & dan was like "oh, that's such a cool word!" cracked me up.

    your twice baked potatoes look great, Bianca! dan made us some for dinner last night and they were delicious. i can't wait to test yours out - they look so golden & gooooood - i love that you topped them with some scallions, too.

    i haven't tried veat, but i'll keep an eye out for it. the texture seems great & they sound yummy, fo 'sho!

  17. oh yum those potatoes sound amazing! i love potatoes so much, in all shapes and forms.

  18. Mmm, we used to eat Veat all the time. I have a question: we stopped the Veat because it had whey in it - is there now a vegan Veat? If so, that would be fantastic!

  19. I find that twice baked potatoes are pretty much always good, no matter what. Yours look great!

  20. Twice Baked Tater recipe---i need it now! WHEN? must see light at the end of tunnel!


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