I don't have any food pics to share tonight. I ate out for lunch with friends and out for dinner with my dad. So I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce ya'll to my fur babies. I have six cats and a dog. Yea, I know. I'm kind of a crazy cat lady. But I swear I scoop their litter boxes everyday.
First up is
Datsun, my best friend in the whole world! He's a seven-year-old, 80-pound mutt and he's the smartest, most loyal, and most playful dog ever. His favorite pastime — playing fetch with sticks in the yard. He could literally fetch all day long if I let him. I always wear out first. He also barks at every doorbell and car honk on TV, as well as the
Wheel of Fortune ding noise.
Akasha is my oldest cat. He has a girly name, but he's all boy. As you can see here, he has crazy eyes. They're always huge and he often stares into space for, like, 15 minutes straight without moving. He loves to cuddle at night and demands to be held like a teddy bear as I fall asleep.
Pandora is the only girl in the family, and she knows it. She's a princess. When she wants to sit in your lap, she will. But don't even think about trying to pick her up to place her in your lap. She's ain't havin' that. She also has crazy soft fur, and she loves belly rubs. Oh, and she's a fighter. She's always starting spats with the boy cats ... it's the Memphis gangsta in her.
Polaris is the devil kitty, hence the horns in this picture. He's always chewing on things and scratching up furniture. I can squirt him with a water bottle (my form of punishment), and he'll just look at me like, "Do it again. I dare you." But other times, he's really sweet. He's a talker, and he knows how to woo folks with his adorable meows. We actually have long conversations — he meows, I meow, he meows, I meow. I'm never sure what I'm saying in cat language, but he always responds.

Gelfling. Even though he's the fourth oldest, he still thinks he's the baby. He was the youngest for quite awhile before I took in the other two (pictured below Gelf). Out of all the kitties, he has the sweetest meow. It's the kind that you just can't resist. If he meows, I have to pet him. I just can't help myself. He also loves to burrow his head into small spaces. My boyfriend rescued Gelfling from a busy street in Midtown Memphis when he was a teensy kitten. And for some reason, he's never really grown very big. Maybe he was the runt of his litter.
Ozzie is one of the newer additions. He was my boyfriend's ex-roommate's cat. When that roommate left (in an effort to get out of paying his half of the rent), he left his cat behind. What a jerk! Luckily, Oz found a great home with me! He's a cuddler and typically sleeps at my side every night (yes, there are several animals in bed with me every night). He obviously didn't want his picture taken here — he was hiding under a shelf and sticking out his tongue.
Seymour is the the scaredy cat. My boyfriend also took him off the streets as a kitten (he has a penchant for rescuing animals), but I think Seymour is a little feral. He's never gotten used to the idea of people. He only likes me and Paul, and he's scared of his own shadow. He spends most of his days in the safety of my bedroom, and even demands his dinner in there. He also loves to drink fresh water from the bathroom tap. He doesn't exercise much, and he's kind of a fattie.

So there ya have it. These creatures are my life. I don't know what I'd do without them. I'm never lonely or bored because there's always a fur baby to keep me entertained. And I sleep much better knowing that my bed is filled with cuddly critters.
I love pet posts! My 9-year old street mutt (and I mean that only lovingly) Otter barks every time there's a doorbell sound on TV or radio, despite the fact that we've never lived anywhere with a doorbell. They're so smart, but not always rational...kind of like us. The kitties are adorable too.
yay! I love this! I've been thinking about doing a pet post too... now maybe I'll really get around to it. I wish I could have more cats. I"m technically allergic to cats, so one is all I can really handle without the side affects being too gruesome. Thus, 3 dogs and one cat. I LOVE all your sweet kitties!!! (and Datsun too, of course! woof!)
oh my god all your furbabies are gorgeous!! I would be a crazy cat/dog/bunny.... lady too if my landlord permitted it. I miss having a pet.
thats a lot of cats! does the dog feel out-numbered? all of the are so beautiful. im a sucker for animal blogs for sure.how do you keep there coats so healthy and shiny looking.
TOO CUTE!! You should all come visit so you can meet my new puppy, Chooey :-)
What a sweet family :)
I agree with Mike, pet posts are the best! Thanks for sharing your family with us! I love the photo of Seymour, with the little water droplets on his face.
What a great furry fam you have in your life - just like people, they each have their distinct personalities, quirks, funky habits, ...though, joyously so, pets love us & keep us company unconditionally. Datsun sounds like a dog dude I had a few years ago - Louie, he was my very 1st dog and the best companion ever.
My current pet pal is "Fred the Wonder Cat". He reached 3 last May; loves his cat food, loves to lie around contentedly and he, too, enjoys drinking from a faucet!
What a jerk ppl are so sick.I have a cat with my husband now a very stuck up little girl:) but I always wonder about dogs and cats. If my dog back home in Barbados saw this cat he would rip it to shreds. How do you have that peace in the house with these dogs and cat? I wish this little girl I have was a cuddler she only likes to cuddle with hubby..boo hoo. Thanks for showing us the gang.
Adorable! All of them!
heeheeheehee! I love them all. I suspect Datsun and Graeme (my fetch-crazed baby) would get along well.
aw, they're all so cute! and i think once you have a cat and realize how amazing they are, you can't help but kindaaaa be a crazy cat person. we have one cat in my house, yet we've got a door sign that says "a spoiled rotten cat lives here" and fridge magnets that say "the head of the house is the one with the tail" and "women and cats will do as they damn well please--men and dogs had better get used to it." haha! i used to always be a dog person (grew up with a labrador) but cats are so great too! my kitty's name is ollie. :)
that is too funny! I have 6 cats and a dog. I had 7 cats, but he moved to VT to live w/ my brother.
crazy cat ladies unite!
thanks for sharing your fur baby family with us. i love all the names and all the stories. god bless your fur baby savin' heart.
such cutie pies! i have two farm mutts... i know what you mean - couldn't imagine my life without them.
i love the devil horns!
ps- if i could afford it, i'd totally have an animal sanctuary to save all fur babies from the pound. all of 'em.
awww ... love your pets! I'm glad you have a black cat too - they are the best ;)
Oh maaaaaan, SO cute! I have a talking tabby too! I love your adorable brood.
Oh my god. As Rachel Zoe would say: "I die."
Love seeing the pets. We have a rescued dog and two cats (one purebreed, one rescue - the heir and the spare). I laugh at that Marley book - my dog's done WAY worse things than Marley even thought of!!!
Give all the pets hugs from the blogosphere!
Wow, I can't believe you have so many, that's awesome! I can't wait until I graduate and can finally get my OWN dog! I loved how distinctly you described all their personalities--thanks for letting us in onto such a cute and fun part of your life :)
I'm so glad to meet your pet family! They all have such cute quirks.
What a wonderful pet family. That last picture is hilarious!
awwww - your kids = the best, Bianca! Datsun has the sweetest face, and all of your kittehs are the absolute cutest!
Akasha's eyes are the coolest! i love that he's got a boa on! ahahahhaaa! Polaris is too cute with his devil horns as well. i love that your kittehs let you dress them up a bit - mine are not fans. sadface. i have to say i'm a sucker for a black kitteh - they're my favorite. Gelfling is such a handsome man! we have 3 kitthes (we had 4, but mr. tiggs passed away this past may - he was only 11. we miss him so much!) and sony (our second oldest) has the sweetest meow, too - she demands to be pet - it's the cutest! i love Pandora's markings - and her furs do look crazy soft! our oldest kitteh, ms. cat, was my friend's roommate's cat as well - he did the same thing - moved out and let the cat behind (he tossed her outside to live on the streets - poor thing!) - i'm glad you guys rescued Oz! he looks just like our sony! hooray for grey tabbies! our feral cat (her name is angry kitty) is a scaredy as well. she hates me (because i'm the one who clips her nails) but she loooves dan. she'll come out of hiding for him sometimes, too. i bet Seymour and angry kitty would be best buds! :) thanks for sharing your family with us, Bianca!
Aw, I love this! Your furry family is precious. Thanks for sharing!
~ Kelly
I've always wondered just how many furry friends you have, thanks for this post! The photos are really great. My kitty Nacho sounds a lot like Polaris -- she's a mean face, she meows *all the time*, and she does not respond at all to the waterbottle, but sometimes she turns sweet and purrs in my ear and I just love her.
Awwww, I totally love your zoo!! I've been thinking about getting another cat, but I just moved my kitty away from my parents' cats, and she seems so happy on her own. We'll see :)
I love the pictures of your zoo. I can't imagine how crazy your house must be with 6 cats. Mine is crazy and I only have 2 animals! Polaris sounds just like my cat. She's evil and has conversations with us too.
YAY! Best post ever! I LOVE hearing and seeing other peoples animal families, it is awesome. You are the crazy cat lady and I am the crazy cat lady. We've got 4 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 horse.
Datsum is awesome! He looks like such a big goofy cuddler!
Wow, Polaris has the best face! I want a portrait of that cat.
Thanks for doing this, I seriously squealed and read it all to my hubby. It is great how well you gave us a distinct snapshot of each of their personalities. Loved it!
They're all so cute and fun!! LOVE them. Thanks for sharing!
I love Bianca's Zoo!
cute kitty pictures!
okay, probably my favorite post :)
haha thanks for all the pics!! looks like they'd be a lot of fun.
i love all the original names of your pets! i wish i could have a pet in my apartment :( and yes, you should definitely try out SOB!though not very many vegan options, booo. but there is always the tequila...
I love your animals and all their different personalities! They have great names too. Your description of Seymour reminds me a little of my own little fat boy. I don't envy you vet bills however, or your litter and food costs! You are an angel for taking care of all these little ones.
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