
Monday, June 1, 2009

It's Not Pretty, But ...

... it sure tasted good! I bought a lovely head of purple cauliflower and what should I do with it but whip up the ugliest dish ever — Satyamma's Famous Caulifower Curry from the Moosewood Cookbook:

No offense to cookbook author Mollie Katzen, but this dish simply doesn't lend itself to purple cauliflower. It may have been a little sexier with a traditional white cauliflower. Of course, all cauliflower tastes the same, no matter the color. And this dish was deelish!

The curry paste is made from ground roasted peanuts, coconut, cayenne, onion, garlic, ginger, and some other yummies. It's combined with cauliflower, carrots, potatoes, and chickpeas and served over brown rice.

I even had a few Onion Parathas (from this HappyVeganFace recipe by Jessy) that I'd frozen awhile back after making a large batch:

These are spiced onion-stuffed flatbreads, and I thawed one out to really give this dish an Indian flair. In case you were wondering, Jessy's parathas freeze beautifully.


  1. Who cares if it's pretty as long as it tastes damn good?! ;)

  2. That sounds delicious--I love cauliflower and curry!

  3. Mmmm homemade parathas! I've never seen purple cauliflower...neat!

  4. wouldn't that be fun to make the moosewood's 'enchanted broccoli forest' recipe with purple cauliflower? how dr. seuss!

  5. Well it sure sounds good! Yum!
    And my mum just got your gift (well yesterday, with the time difference) and she just loved it! Wait, did I already tell you that? I'm having déjà vu...anyway, she loved it, and especially loved your decorating job with the little fish! Thank you, Bianca!

  6. It sounds so yummy, and it looks like how most of my favorite dishes come out--a bit homely looking, but tasty nonetheless! I don't think I've ever had paranthas before, so I'll have to make some. Thanks for the link!

  7. mmmmm that curry looks amazing!!!!

  8. I've always said that the ugliest looking food is often the tastiest. I bet this was delicious! Curry anything is a winner in my book and those parathas look divine!

  9. purple cauliflower! that sounds soo good :)

  10. Oooh, making a ton of parathas and freezing them is genius. And that curry looks fantastic.

  11. the purple cauliflower is ugly or the dish itself?
    cause i think the cauliflower is reallyy pretty!
    just my opinion i guess :)

  12. i like it looks damn delicious, Bianca! i’ve never had purple cauliflower before! that’s too awesome using it in a rock’n curry dish! mmmmmmmmm! i love that the paste has peanuts, spicy spices, and coconut, too! it sounds so good! too awesome on enjoying the parathas you made and froze! that’s awesome that they freeze well – dan and i totally need to make extras next time & freeze some up for later. man, what a tasty meal, Bianca - it looks most scrumptious!


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