
Monday, March 23, 2009

Brownies, Crunk-style

As you may or may not have noticed, I haven't posted very many pictures of dessert recipes for my cookbook. That's because I don't have a ton of recipes for that section yet. Baking is a science and well, I'm more of an artistic type. Creating baked goods from scratch is a little intimidating.

My Granny has helped quite a bit, veganizing her classic dessert recipes. In fact, most of the stuff in the dessert section right now is a Granny contribution. But this weekend, I was feeling a bit adventurous ... so created these Chocolate Mint Julep Brownies:

And quite frankly, I'm proud of myself. Other than possibly cutting back cooking time by five minutes (some of the brownies on the edge of the pan were drier than those in the center), I'd say these little guys are close to being perfected. And I just threw this recipe together from scratch!

Despite the name, there's no alcohol in these ... but I think I may spike them with bourbon next time just for fun. They are minty though, thanks to a bit of mint extract (which technically has alcohol in it, but not much). I also made them low-fat by using applesauce instead of oil. I rarely do that, but I'm not sure why. It still tastes great and I can eat three instead of one!

Testers: The new recipes are up on the tester site. Unfortunately, this brownie recipe is not one of them cause it still only exists in handwritten form. But I promise to type it up and post it there soon!


  1. Oh and still my heart! You've got my number with that recipe!

  2. WOW! What a great idea! They look just delicious. I feel the same way about baking and cooking. Cooking is easy, free form, go with the flow, and artistic. Baking stresses me a bit, never knowing if I got the measurements right, I have to focus and be precise...which I hate!

    But it looks like your 'science experiment' went very well!

  3. Yes, you can be proud of yourself! Those look very mouthwatering.

  4. Your just making me more and more anxious to get your cookbook!!!

    I agree though...baking from scratch? Scary!

  5. Vegan brownies are so hard (for me), so big props for making these from scratch! I love all things minty, and I can't even imagine how good those would be with a little bourbon in them. Yum!

  6. You have a vegan brownie recipe. You don't need any more desserts. ;)

  7. Oh my gosh...I think the biggest thing I miss being vegan is all types of mint chocolate chip goodies. I am so excited about your cookbook!!!

  8. i want to test that asap girl!! i love the combination of mint and chocolate...and i wouldn't mind throwing in a little bourbon. you know, for the cookbook's sake :)

  9. those do look good. i've never been a fan of using applesauce with most baked goods because i don't like the texture. i enjoy the fat. silly me, i'm such a fatophile.

  10. yum I love brownies and choc mint sounds pretty freakin awesome to me!

  11. jeebus, Bianca - chocolate mint julep brownies are freak'n brilliant! oooh my gosh i cannot WAIT to test these out! they look so perfect! mmmmmmmmmmmmm! i'm with you in being intimidated by creating baked goodies - but it looks like you've got one sweet success, Bianca! hell yeah!

  12. Yum. I can't wait to try these out. Mint and chocolate are my favorite things.

  13. I'm intimidated by making up baked stuff, too. But those brownies should change that for you. They look sensational!

  14. those look and sound delicious! just found your blog and i love it! i will be back!

  15. Yum. I am looking forward to your cookbook coming out.

  16. I love that you used replaced the oil in the brownies with applesauce. I like healthy bakede goods even more than I do regular ones! (Because you can eat more of them!)

  17. Ok Bianca you are not helping me lose my newlywed happy and fat pounds. I'm going to pretend I didn't see the chocolate chips hidden in those truly decadant looking treats. Ugh.

  18. Woah. This looks unbelievable!

    Chocolate and mint are so amazing together... I'm in love :)

  19. I really like when the brownies on the outside are drier than the middle! Those look awesome. I visited a friend once and her roommate made brownies with Andes mints melted all over and swirled into the top of them....they were crazy good although I'm assuming Andes aren't vegan. Anyway, these remind me of them, but healthier!!!

  20. I have had a hardcore craving for brownies lately- and wow, chocolate mint julep sounds and looks amazing!

  21. You are such a tease!!! Those brownies look so awesome and I want to make them right now. I love chocolate and mint. And bourbon. Yum!

  22. Oh my, brownies are my ultimate favorite dessert, and a brownie with mint and some booze thrown in... WOW!

  23. Mmmmmmmm, Brownies (Homer Simpson voice)

  24. Wow, Bianca, these look beyond delicious. The close up is so gorgeous!


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