
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

W.I.P. Wednesdays

Before Christmas, Shellyfish over at Musings From the Fishbowl started a little thing called W.I.P. Wednesdays (or Work In Progress Wednesdays), during which folks would post their crafting projects. At the time, I had a few crafty works in progress, but since they were meant for gifts, I couldn't blog about them. Now that all the gifts have been handed out, I'm taking this W.I.P. Day to show ya'll what I made.

This past fall, my co-worker Shara told me about an awesome website devoted to sassy and crude cross stitching sampler patterns, and even though I didn't really know how to cross stitch, I ordered Julie Jackson's book Subversive Cross Stitch. Learning was really easy since the book has step-by-step instructions right up front. After making the designs, I bought unfinished wooden frames at Michael's and painted them to match.

I made this one for Stephanie, a.k.a. Poopie Bitch, a vegan pal and pro cake decorator:

I made this one for my cynical friend Nathan, whose mood is often summed up by this sentiment:

This was given to my pal Wes, a dear friend who just so happens to be gay as the as the day is long:

And this one was made for Vaughan, my veggie buddy and part-time drag queen:

And finally, this was perfect for my long-time bee-yatch Misti:

Ya'll should definitely check out the Subversive Cross Stitch website. You can order all sorts of awesome individual patterns (complete with a kit of floss, fabric, and a hoop) or opt for the book.


  1. These turned out amazingly, Bianca! I want to figure out the cross stitch thing, I'm still free-styling. I really love the whole Subversive thing - reclaiming the domestic arts for everyone - feminist, homo, dyke, sumissive, dominant, pagan - it's not just about June Cleaver damn it!! I'll link you up right now!

  2. They are so incredibly awesome! I specially love the 'please kill me' hahaha that was funny~

  3. I was JUST talking about ordering these today! My Bay Area PPK ladybros just started a Stitch & Bitch Night & I'm lacking a craft.

  4. Those are SO CUTE! I need to learn how to do that. I'm not very crafty but maybe that's because I'm just scared of trying and making a big mess! =P

  5. haha those are all so cute and funny! how nice of you ;)
    glad to hear the cross stitching was easy though..i'd love to get into something like that.

  6. Love the cross stitch. They are terrific!

  7. hey bianca,

    do you FB? i'm an artist and post pics of my work on my FB page. if you love punk rock crafts, you should check out my pal greg der ananian's book bizarre bizzare. he's really into some subversive cross stitch that you'd love.

  8. I love them!! Thanks for the link hook up. I will definitely check this out. Needing to add cross stitch to my bag of tricks.

  9. Haha! Hilarious :) Thank you for showing them and brightening my day!

  10. SO AWESOME!!!
    Maybe I should punk up my patchwork a little?!

  11. i am glad you found it! yeah, sweet potato butter is basically the shit. i actually do not seal mine like the canning process...mostly because it gets eaten so quickly that canning it for long-term storage never becomes an issue!! if you are wanting to do more than the 3 or so cups that this recipe makes, then i would probably go ahead and hot water seal it. just to be safe, ya know? i am having your corn casserole this weekend... i already bought all the ingredients and i'm pumped! it will be like old-time family gatherings in my omni days! cool.

  12. You crack me up! I always hated cross stitching, but after seeing what you made with it I think I totally changed my mind.

  13. Those are all great, but I especially love the last one!!!! Too fun. I'd hang that above the potty so everybody would get jealous (everybody meaning my boyfriend and me). Crafty, crafty!

  14. Beeyatch is my fave! p.s. i get that mango papaya salsa at Trader Joes... that corn salsa is AWESOME

  15. those are all so awesome, Bianca! sooooooo awesome! i've gotta check out the site & get some patterns, too! i don't know how to cross stitch but i'm willing to learn! hells yeah!

  16. I love subversive cross stitching! I made a bunch of the ones from her Natalie Dee Valentines day collection (I gave my boyfriend one that said "Thank God You Got A Big Dick" with little hearts, and I have one that says "I can't stand your bullshit" up in my office. I also have a kit for the one that says "Shut Your Whore Mouth" but I haven't started it yet. I'm also really into the Sublime Stitching embroidery patterns.

  17. ahahhah i love your cross stitch. hilarious, and such a skill! so so funny :)

  18. That cross stitch is proudly hanging in my kitchen now! They all look awesome, I really think I need to get that book!

  19. Those are so freakin' precious! I saw a cross stich project in "ReadyMade" mag for little monograms and thought about picking up some supplies... these just make me want to even more! But can I give up knitting? hmmm

  20. Bianca those are incredible! They look so polished in the frames and then the subversive part catches you by surprise!

  21. You are so crafty! I am bitterly jealous! :)

  22. nice, bianca! those are great presents.


  23. Cool cross-stitching! Love the frames too!

  24. Your cross stitch gifts are so totally awesome! Way more subversive than the duckies and bunnies I learned to make from my grammy as a kid. :-)

  25. These are adorable! I'm not super-crafty, but you've inspired me to give these a try! :) Oh, and I'm new to your blog, but I love what I'm seeing so far!

  26. Um, hell-o!? Where is mine, bitch? I love it! It's on my wall! But, where's the picture of it in this post, hmm?


I live for your comments!! Seriously. I'm waiting right now for you to write something.