
Monday, January 26, 2009

Curry In a Hurry

I've had a major craving for Indian food for months. I can't seem to fulfill it. I make Indian food, buy Indian food, it doesn't matter. I want more, more, more. That was the case with this Coconut Curry Tofu on Green Jasmine Rice from Hot Damn and Hell Yeah:

I made it last week and finally finished off the leftovers yesterday, but I still want more Indian food. Not that this didn't hit the spot. It was just a temporary fix. I think Indian food is probably a bit like crack.

But back to this curry dish, all I can say is, um, hot damn. Yea, it's that good. The tofu is fried on high heat with Indian spices. Then it's simmered with coconut milk and canned tomatoes. It's served over jasmine rice mixed with a herb puree and shredded coconut. Yummy, yummy!

By the way, does anyone know if they make brown jasmine rice? I hated to buy white rice, but I couldn't find a whole grain version at Whole Foods. And jasmine rice has such an awesome flavor.


  1. I know what you mean! I have been obsessed with Indian food lately too. Every time I eat it I start craving it again a few days later. That curry dish looks yummy!

  2. indian food is indeed addictive! my sister & i went out for some last week and it's still on my mind. dan & i are gonna have to make some curry next week. mmmmmm! your curry looks nothing short of fantastical, Bianca! i know they make brown jasmine rice - i think i've seen it at trader joe's! :)

    if you can't find any near you - le'mme know and i'll be happy to pick some up for you & send it your way!

  3. Indian Food is so addictive! I haven't had it in a while but I know as soon as I start up I won't stop. Once I used curry in almost every dish for like 2 weeks! haha

  4. Um, I don't know about indian food, but for sure I'm now cravin coconut!

  5. Ooh, this looks good! I've been on a coconut kick lately and have had a lot of coconut curry!

  6. Heheheh! Beware! No other curry will ever be the same after this one. It sets the bar for me, and no recipes I make now quite measure up. YUM!!

    I don't think I have ever seen brown jasmine rice. I have been eating red and purple fair trade rice that was on sale at my HFS, but I can't remember what type of rice it is.

  7. I love the idea of putting shredded coconut on there! I love that cookbook. Curry is one of the cheapest and most satisfying dinners.

  8. i like indian food, but all of my curries come out tasting the same.

  9. Not sure I could ever tire of Indian food... curries are the best!

  10. That looks soooo good. Can I have some right now? I just had a peanut butter and ricemellow fluff wrap sandwich for dinner :( I mean, it was good, but....not that, haha. The rice makes it look especially perfect!

  11. Hi,
    This looks great! In my experience, brown rice is cooked the same way as white rice but it needs to cook for a bit longer, since it's more "intact" than the white rice, I am guessing. I would say it should cook overall about 10-15 minutes longer, though other opinions may vary. Also it can help if you soak the rice for about 1/2 hr before cooking which may reduce the cooking time a bit. I too, am a huge fan of Indian food - there are some Indian vegan food blogs out there that are good resources for checking out recipes.

  12. this looks delicious! We had Thai curry tonight with red jasmine rice! Great comfort food for a chilly night.

  13. Curries are definitely "vegan crack" haha! I just made some brown basmati rice that I got from my local health food store. It's really good! ...Glad to have found your blog- be back again!

  14. mmmmmmm omg this sounds so amazing! how about you come live at my house and cook for me, every meal of every day? :)

  15. Yum!!

    I HAVE seen brown jasmine rice at my Whole Foods.

  16. Perfect! I adore these flavors.

    I have never seen brown jasmine rice, but have seen and used brown basmati.

  17. So yummy and colorful! No idea about brown Jasmine rice.

  18. Yes, there is crack in Indian Food. :) I recently started using brown basmati. Not jasmine, but worked for me.

  19. I LOVE INDIAN FOOD! And I love coconut curry, specifically. Yum, now I want some.

    I've never been able to find brown jasmine rice, either!! I keep trying, though...

  20. Oh man, I am totally putting this on my To Make list. Indian food is both totally delicious and totally addictive.

  21. I've been on a crazy Indian food kick as well, my husband is getting sick of it! (how?!)


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