
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Brown Rice Breakfast

Before I make it to the office every morning, I ALWAYS eat a big ole' breakfast. Whether it's pancakes, scrambled tofu, steel cut oats, or cheezy grits, I make sure I get plenty of fuel to get me through the morning. One of my long-time favorite day-starters is a variation on Bernard's Brown Rice Breakfast from The Garden of Vegan:

It's just crumbled tofu and brown rice, seasoned with a little soy sauce or Bragg's, served atop sprouted grain toast and drizzled with flax seed oil and organic ketchup. It sounds weird, I know. But it's so darn good. I love the way the flax oil lightly soaks into the bread and melds with the ketchup. And I love that it's a protein/whole grain-packed breakfast to start the day off right.

I always make a big batch of the tofu-rice mixture and heat up a little each morning to serve over two slices of toast. This morning, I ate my Brown Rice Breakfast with a cup of iced green tea and a glass of fresh-squeezed orange-grapefruit juice. Yum!


  1. breakfast is my absolute favorite meal!!! that looks like a breakfast dish i am going to have to try!!

  2. I love savory breakfasts.. and this looks great.. also, your ravioli looked delish too.

  3. a good breakfast will last you all day... thats the best part.. you dont get hungry!!!

    sigh: I wish I could eat tofu

  4. I want a slice of that!

  5. Yumminess! I love rice for breakfast. I'm from Costa Rica and their breakfast staple is called Gallo Pinto (Painted Rooster). It's a mix of black beans and rice. There are a hundred variations (family to family) of how to spice up this dish. It's amazing. It's filling and yummy. I can totally see myself adding this brown rice dish to by brekky repertoire.

  6. i can't skip breakfast, unless it's for medical reasons. that looks really good, except i'd have to pour some gravy on it.

    xo jewy

  7. i love it! brown rice for breakfast with some tofu sounds soooo goooood! especially on toast and with KETCHUP (i'm one to put ketchup on my ketchup)! i need to grab some flax oil, too - i hear it's so darn good for you! man, i also need to add Garden of Vegan to the list of awesome vegan cookbooks i need! :D

    freshly squeezed orange-grapefruit juice sounds absolutely amazing! hells yeah!

  8. This breakfast looks and sounds incredibly delicious and satisfying. It brings back fond memories as well: in a previous life, I used to put ketchup on my toast in the morning...

  9. I have that recipe bookmarked, I've just been too lazy to try it =P
    Breakfast is my favorite too!

  10. Oh My... that does sound beyond yummy. I'm a little too lazy to cook in the mornings though... I can normally just manange to put some oats and soy milk together :-)

  11. That sounds like a tasty & freakishly healthy way to start the day. I am all about the savory breakfasts.

  12. What a weird and yummy breakfast! Great way to use leftover brown rice, too. I love the Garden of Vegan!

  13. Oh wow, I never would have thought of something like that. Sounds good!

  14. You're right, that does sound weird. I'll have to try it!

  15. Interesting! For some reason, I automatically thought that ketchup was Sriracha! ha I really need to work on eating breakfast (and getting up earlier)...

  16. That would be really good right about now!

  17. I totally thought of this post this morning. I had brown rice over toast with Braggs and ketchup. It was yum!

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