
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Got Robbed

Yep ... some jerk wad came in my house today while I was at work and stole all my crap, including my camera. So I can't show you the grilled "chicken" and gravy, baked sweet potato, and home-canned green beans that I had for dinner tonight. In fact, I can't show you anything I eat until I find a camera replacement. I'm hoping my parents will loan me one of theirs.

The bastards also took my camcorder, my film cameras, all my DVDs (though they strangely decided to leave me all my seasons of Will & Grace on DVD ... how considerate of them), and my rings (two of which had a ton of sentimental value). They left my iMac, which is weird .... but good.

When I came home from work, my alarm was going off. Thinking I'd accidentally set it off somehow, I turned it off and put my stuff down. Then I noticed the DVDs were missing. And then the camera. And then everything else. Turns out, they came through my back window. It wasn't locked because the lock was broken, but I didn't know that until it was too late. I'm almost 99% sure it was my skeevy crackhead neighbors. And the cops think so too, but they can't prove anything yet.

Anyway, the worst part are the rings and the memory card on my camera. It had pictures on it dating back to this past April. And I'm bad about downloading them, so most are not backed up.

I'm trying to forget about it. But it's not easy. My memories are gone, and now I feel vulnerable. The window lock is fixed, and my dad is installing surveillance cameras. But nonetheless, I feel violated.

Don't give up on my blog though. I'll likely borrow a camera from my parents and get back to shooting my meals as soon as possible.


  1. Oh Bianca!
    I am SO SORRY. What a big bummer. I had someone break into my house once, while I was sleeping. Luckily, I woke up and scared him off. But I never felt safe in that house again. I really hope the police find the guys and bust them, and get your stuff back! I'll be thinking of you.

  2. Bianca, I am so sorry some horrible person violated you this way. I hope you feel safe after your dad installs the surveillance cameras and now that the lock is fixed. Are you ok? Will someone be staying with you for a little while? Fingers crossed that the police will solve the mystery and get your things back.

  3. I am SO sorry that happened to you!! Hope you are okay? If you need anything let me know! I can message with phone number, Ahnah

  4. Hey, P.S. Joey(my man) suggested checking the local pawn shops for the rings? Might be able to get them back?

  5. i'm so sorry to hear that! same thing happened to me about a month ago. they took my nikon d-40 and my ibook. :-( i hate that they got some of your sentimental items. that makes it suck extra hard.

  6. I'm so sorry you got robbed! It has never happened to me, but I'm sure I would totally freak out... The most important thing is that you're alright.

  7. That really sucks. It's nice that your dad is helping out. Take care.

  8. Oh, Bianca, that's so awful! So sorry to hear about it. And I agree that the rings are the worst, and the photos. But hopefully the cops will get them and your stuff back. In the meantime, hope you're feeling safer with your new security, and that you've got lots of people you trust around you! (Have you considered a Rottweiler?)

  9. Oh my goodness gracious - Bianca, I'm keeping you in my DEEPEST thoughts and prayers. Thank goodness you weren't hurt/confronted during the robbery.

  10. Aw hun I'm so sorry! That is terrible. I really hope you can get your stuff back and that your okay.

  11. Bianca I am so sorry! How terrible the f$*kers! I can't believe they left your computer - usually they take whatever is the easiest to sell in pawn shops quickly (speaking from "I've been robbed" experience - back in the US). You feel so violated, and it's so bloody unfair, too. You may be able to get some of your things back. I hit up the pawn shops and was able to get back a few things because I had pictures of them.
    Good luck!

  12. That's awful! I hope your vegan care package will cheer you up!

  13. Oh no Bianca - that is really scary and what a scum bag! Hopefully the added protection will help, and don't worry, I don't think any of us are going to give up on your blog. I hope you have someone there if you need.

  14. Oh my gosh! My apartment was broken into a few years ago too. That feeling that someone has been in there jacking with your stuff is the worst! Sorry you are going through that. Good luck with a camera and such. I'm sure loyal Vegan Crunk-ers will be here for you!

  15. Oh no! But rest assured, even as a longtime lurker and only occasional commenter, I will still continue to read your blog--it's awesome! Good luck getting everything together again!

  16. I am so sorry, Bianca! But very glad you're safe, too.

  17. Bianca, that's terrible. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I can only imagine how vulnerable you feel. I hope that everything sorts itself out. By the way, how could anyone give up on your blog? Pictures or not. Hope you have a better week.

  18. Oh! I can only echo everyone's else's sentiment and while I am sure it is of little consolation, I feel for you. I had a crack head still all of my valuable jewelry including my grandmother's engagement ring which I wore as my own but had taken off during a swollen finger summer. It is the worst feeling in the world and although you want to be a spiritually strong person and say it is only possessions, it still hurts and sucks. I am so sorry that something so awful had to happen to such a sweet person. I hope the police will be able to recover some it. Just know you have support and we are with you!

  19. I'm so sorry that this happend to you! How unfair..and completely immoral of whoever did it. I can't even imagine how violated you must feel, but I really hope the police and everyone figures out who did it and you get your stuff back! You're definitely in my thoughts and I hope everything works out. :)

  20. I'm so sorry to hear that! Try not to think about it too much or try to focus on the fact that you have a wonderful house and an awesome life with people who love you, even us, virtual friends, thinking good thoughts. And you have your health! They didn't do anything to you and that's what matters.

    Things are just things. Try to remember that.

    Be well.

  21. how awful, Bianca! i'm sooooo sorry that happened to you! it very well could have been your neighbors - our crackhead neighbors (literally) tried to break into our home, but our dog scared them off and they didn't make it past the kitchen. jerks! i felt so violated and my sense of security was the pits. i'm glad you got the window fixed, i'm glad nothing horrible happened to you, and i'm glad you got some cameras installed as well. hugs to you! and i'm sorry 'cause having someone break into your home just really, really sucks. :(

  22. Sad times! I'm sure no one will give up on you, in fact, I'm sure we're all really pulling for you! ladyliriel's pawn shop tip is a good one.

    Stay safe!

  23. Hey Bianca!!!

    Ohhh...that's AWFUL..who makes such things!!!??? =<>

    You poor girl,you should try to find the robber..!!! Ahh I's hard stuff but...=/

    Well...I can't wait to see your photos again!!!!!!!!! =)))

    I'm all with you!!!!! Hang in there!!

    If you have time pls visit my new post =))


  24. Ugh, thats the worst feeling. Its happened to me before too- and the cops are always so non-chalant. I hope that in your case you're able to recover some things!

    In the meantime, everyone reads your blog for the witty repartee and awesome recipes, not just the pics. Keep on blogging, your audience will follow you. :)

  25. bianca,
    i'm sorry that happened to you and am super grateful that no harm was done to you physically. i'd be feeling a ton of emotions about the loss of my stuff too, but i don't think any of us would feel good if you had been physically hurt. drop me a line if you need to vent.

  26. On no, I'm SO sorry this happened to you. But good for you on staying positive. ::hugs::

  27. Hey- I'm realitivly new to your blog- sort of - I've been a lurker sketchy huh *ashamed* :P
    But now that I've completed the process of making my own blog, I will comment you and whatnot...but anyways Ugh I'm sorry about everything *hugs*

  28. Such a major BUMMER!!! I hope they nail the jerks and you get some of your stuff back.


  29. That really sucks, I'm sorry you're going through it!!!

  30. Oh no! That's so crappy, I'm sorry.

  31. Oh no! I am so sorry this happened to you. I hope they catch the fuckers who stole your stuff. If you need anything, let me know.

  32. Ugh! How violating! I hope you get back at them.

  33. Bianca, I'm so sorry!!! Watch the local pawn shops...

  34. oh my goodness Bianca I am so sorry... this is absolutley terrible... people are so cold hearted sometimes.. keep your spirits up!!!

  35. that sucks sooo much.. I am so sorry.

    Of course you feel violated.. uuuggghhh..

  36. How awful. I'm so sorry this happened. I know how it feels and I hope you will be able to get back your things.

  37. how awful!!!!! i'm so sorry to hear this. slowly but surely though, you'll pull everything back together. thinking of you!!!

  38. Oh Bianca, that's so terrible. It is an incredible violation... your home is YOUR space, and to have some strangers (or worse, neighbours) come in, uninvited, and help themselves to your things... that's just awful. Hugs to you!

  39. Oh my goodness Biana, I'm so so sorry this happened to you!! I hope they find whoever did it and miraculously restore your stuff. And in the meantime I hope you start to feel safe again.

  40. Hi Bianca - hope you're feeling ok after what must be a terrible experience. The worst is having things with sentimental value stolen - been there - though the personal feeling of violation is really bitter. Hope you are well, and take care.

  41. Wow. Some people really suck, don't they? Makes me wanna punch 'em in the face. I am amazed you still made such a lovely-sounding meal for yourself after that happened. Home-canned green beans? Yummy! I'm sending hugs and happy thoughts your way. If there is anything you need, seriously, don't hesitate to ask. Cookies are always a cheer-upper! Want some cookies?!

  42. whoa! that sucks. i've been robbed twice (how does that happen?!) it is such an icky feeling... i hope you are doing as okay as you can be. it did make me smile that you were worried about your blog pictures though.

  43. oh my goodness
    I am so so so very sorry :(

  44. I'm so sorry--there's something so awful about being robbed. I was too, twice, earlier this year. I've put blocks of wood on top of the window frames to keep them shut. I hope the police are able to find your stuff!

  45. I am soooo sorry to read about this. What an awful thing. I can top it, though, since I was robbed while I was home sleeping at 12 a.m. when I lived in Miami (like Amey was, ugh). I can tell you that things will get better and you will be OK. What I learned is that stuff is only stuff and our memories have to serve us.
    My thoughts are with you.

  46. I'm so sorry to hear that Bianca... try to cheer up with lots of nice food!

  47. oh no that is so horrible, I'm so sorry. People are just scumbags sometimes!

  48. Oh my God, Bianca, I am so sorry. Why are there such assholes in the world?! You do not deserve this!!! I am so angrythat it happened to such a sweet person :o/

  49. just stay strong. i can't imagine how you feel. i would've been whining on the blog, but you really look at the positive side of things. will and grace is a great show!

    i hope they catch those thieves. karma will kick them in the butt.

    godspeed, my friend!

  50. Oh no, I'm SO sorry about all of this Bianca!! I'm so glad that YOU weren't hurt during the robbery...I will of course keep reading your blog and I'm so happy you're going to keep it up! I'll be keeping you in my prayers!!

  51. Oh my gosh, I am SO sorry to hear this! I hope you catch the crackheads & get your loot back.

  52. I am so sorry, Bianca! I'm glad you weren't home when they broke in though. My thoughts are with you!

  53. That is so horrible, Bianca. The most important thing is your safety...maybe put bars on the window? So sorry to hear about this.

  54. I found your blog via Tofu Mom. I just wanted to say that I am sorry that you were robbed.


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