
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Scones and Tea

I'm planning a Dead Southern Belle Tea Party for my birthday (it falls on Thursday but I'm having the party on Friday), which of course got me thinking about tea party foods. The first thing that came to mind was scones. But rather than wait until Friday, I decided to whip up a batch last Sunday night to eat for breakfast throughout the week. I searched for scone recipes in my cookbooks and settled on these Banana Date Scones from the Veganomicon:

In the past, my experience with scones has only been so-so. The ones I've eaten (all in my pre-vegan days) have seemed dry and heavy. But these scones were super-duper moist thanks to the mashed banana.

They also contain chopped dates, pecans (which I subbed for the walnuts in the recipe), and no sugar! That's right, no sugar. They're sweetened with brown rice syrup, and since I subbed whole wheat pastry flour for all the flour in the recipe, they're actually pretty healthy. I've been eating these with leftover pumpkin sausage (from the freezer) and iced green tea each morning.


  1. Happy Almost Birthday! I share a similar scony past. Before making them myself, I always found them dry, heavy and boring. Now I'm a total scone fan. Yours look great, Bianca!

  2. That's going to be a fantastic birthday! Tea party sounds very elegant, I have to steal that idea one day :D. I haven't made those scones yet, they look so good!

  3. what a fun birthday idea! And thanks for the review of the recipe- I haven't made this one yet.

  4. These do look terrific--and I adore scones. I've even got the book, so should get baking :)

    Hope your birthday is a happy one and that you have a great party!

  5. A Dead Southern Belle Tea Party!?!?!??!! Can I come?!?!??!?! Haha ;0) Your birthday celebration will be legendary.

    Loooove those scones from Veganomicon - holy yum.

  6. your tea party is going to be the best ever! and i hope your birthday is too, Bianca!

    those scones look amazing! i love that they don't have any sugar - and that you used whole wheat flour and pecans. i loooove pecans. i've never had a scone before, i'm gonna have to make some! yay!

    you've gotta take one million pictures of your tea party so we can all feel like we were there, too!! excitedface!

  7. Ooooh pumpkin sausage... how did I miss that one!
    That tea party sounds hysterical!Dead southern belles are the best kind. ;P
    I personally am in love with ginger scones (average scone recipe with crystallized ginger.) And veganyumyum has a recipe for vegan clotted cream.

  8. Yum! I love tea and scones. Happy Birthday. Baby Adam's birthday will be this Friday. We are scheduled for a c-section.

  9. Happy Birthday - well, close enough, right? Your party idea sounds like it will be a blast!

    Those scones look fantastic - especially with iced green tea! Yum!

  10. bianca,

    first of all-pumpkin sausage? link to that post? secondly, happy almost birthday, LUV the dead southern belle tea party-(you must post pics), and lastly great scones!
    ps-thanks for the compliments on my boy. don't know how we managed to make something so adorable!

  11. Scones are my absolute favorite. I should give these banana date scones a try as they look fantastic!

    Great job!

  12. I love scones! I'll have to look up that recipe; it sounds delicious. Happy early birthday!

  13. hope you have a great birthday tomorrow! and a tea party...what a good idea. i haven't been a fan of scones either before I was vegan..i thought they were too dry and bland, but all the ones i've had since being vegan have been better! haha i'll have to make those from veganomicon. :)

  14. A tea party sounds so fun! Are you going to have finger sandwiches? Those scones look delicious, especially for something healthy.

  15. Ooo now I want to make those! I love scones but I agree some are way too dry. I like the ones from ED&BV. What a good idea about keeping the sausage in the freezer, mine usually disapears within a couple days =0

  16. I've been eyeing these forever, and I *do* like scones, so basically I should make them soon? I didn't even realize there wasn't sugar, double hurray!

  17. Happy early birthday! I love those scones.

  18. Happy Birthday Eve!! I love scones! Yours look so good!! Perfect for your tea party!

  19. Happy Happy Birthday, Baby! Also, I have never had a scone!

  20. Hope you have a Happy Birthday!! And lots of fun at the tea party with Dead Southern Belles!


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