
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kohlrabi Krazy!

I picked up a batch of kohlrabi at the farmer's market on Saturday, and though I'd heard of it, I'd never eaten it ... until tonight. Kohlrabi's not much in the looks department with it's weird tentacle-ish leaves and bulbous root. It's like some kind of bizarre alien crop. See for yourself:

I sliced the bulb and chopped up the leaves for my Local Kohlrabi and Bok Choy Stir-Fry tonight:

And it's actually pretty tasty. Well, at least the bulb is tasty...a little like cabbage with a hint of turnip flavor. But the leaves are very bitter. Probably the most bitter green I've ever eaten.

Once seasoned with soy sauce (and yes, I know that's not local, but I consider soy sauce a seasoning ... and I'm making exceptions for seasonings), the bitter taste was masked. I also tossed in local baby bok choy, squash, carrots, Farm Soy tofu, and garlic (from Granny's garden). Served with Riceland brown rice, it really fulfilled my Chinese food if I only could find some local chocolate...


  1. HEY! So when I was in Union Square today (In manhattan) There was a big farmers market festival type thing... I THOUGHT OF YOU! You would have been in heaven!

  2. That looks really tasty. I should whip out my brand new Martha Stewart wok later on and do a stir-fry. I can't wait til our local farmers markets begin!

  3. I worked at a supermarket last year as a cashier, and a woman brought a kohlrabi through... I was SO embarrassed when I had to ask her what it was!

    What does it taste like?

  4. Nice to know what kohlrabi tastes like and what I can do with it. I'm probably going to get some via my CSA this year and after seeing that picture, I would have likely gotten home and spent a long time trying to figure out what on earth I'm supposed to do with something like that!

  5. I've definitely NEVER had kohlrabi... looks intriguing, and quite delicious in your stir-fry dish - yum!

  6. I've been hearing about kohlrabi more and more lately! It's a great idea to throw it in a stir-fry, which looks delicious, by the way. Cabbage is yummy, so I think I'd like kohlrabi too. Good luck finding local chocolate -- that's one of those things along with bananas, mangoes, and coffee that I love to buy but I know it's far from being local.
    And thanks for the nice comment! :) It's odd we haven't crossed paths in the blogging world before!

  7. I've never had kohlrabi either... next week's "new challenge food" perhaps?

  8. I love kohlrabi, and my boyfriend likes to eat one raw for breakfast. It tastes great raw!


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