
Monday, March 31, 2008

I Love Waffles!

As I mentioned in an earlier post, my pal Leslie made me a jar of herbal-infused maple syrup. Leslie's "Sweetly Soothing Syrup" contains hawthorn, rose, ginger, and yummy cinnamon! The herb combo is supposed to calming for the nerves and healthy on the heart. Leslie's like a master herbalist or something, so I take her word on that.

Well, of course, I had to try it out as soon as I returned from Nashville. So last night, I veganized a basic waffle recipe and added chopped pecans, cinnamon, vanilla, and flax. My Cinnamon Pecan Waffles are definitely going in my Southern vegan cookbook. Southerners use pecans in just about everything, so this is perfect!

I put the batter in the fridge last night, so it would be ready for the waffle machine first thing in the morning. I don't have time to mix up waffle batter before work, but it holds up well in the fridge. I made the mix up right before going to bed, and I actually dreamed of waffles. Crazy, huh? That should tell you how much I love waffles!

On a completely un-waffle note, I ate at a brand-new vegetarian/vegan restaurant in Nashville this weekend called The Veggie Cafe. I didn't bring my camera, but I had the meatless meatloaf, sauteed spinach, and creamed sweet potatoes. Wow, what a soothing plate of food! I'll definitely be going back there every time in I'm Nashville!


  1. I. Love. Waffles.

    Leslie's syrup sounds extra delicious!

  2. Homemade syrup?! Yes please!

    I like the sideways picture - it looks artsy or something. Maybe this shows how little artistic creativity I have. ;-)

    I'm not Southern and I love pecans too - I finally have something in common with folks from the South (oh and I say things like folks).

    Cinnamon Pecan Waffles sound fantastic! You keep teasing us! When is this drool worthy cookbook coming out?

  3. Oh lord yes, The Brit is an omni bordering on carnivorous. He's was pretty iffy about me being a vegetarian, but he's extremely resistant to me being vegan. I've had some very negative comments from him about it - but I still hold out hope that one day he'll at least accept my choices, and maybe eventually he'll give up meat too.

    It can be challenging being with an omni, can't it?

  4. How could anyone not love waffles?

    P.S. If you ever find a way to drink a milkshake (or anything else) through a computer screen, let me in on the secret!

  5. Yay! it makes me all warm & fuzzy inside when I read about myself on you blog! I'm glad the syrup is good for you.

  6. I love waffles too, and I want to try that homemade syrup. Sounds neat!


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